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Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini

There are rumors of an extension, the Ministry of Manpower ensures that wage subsidy assistance will not be disbursed this year.

Dream - At the end of this year's weekend, many workers or laborers are questioning the Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) in 2023. The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) ensures that there will be no disbursement of Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) in 2023.

Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini

"Not Liquid This Year"

Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower, Anwar Sanusi, emphasized that there is no government policy to allocate the Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) this year.

"Until now, there is no policy related to BSU 2023," said Anwar quoted from, Wednesday, December 27, 2023. However, Anwar has not yet specified the reasons for the suspension of the disbursement of BSU." "

What is Wage Subsidy Assistance?

Known, Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) is cash amounting to IDR 600 thousand per person. This assistance is the government's effort to help workers whose wages have decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini

This policy runs in 2021 and 2022. BSU 2023 has become a highlight after rumors circulated that it will be distributed again to the community with a larger target.

Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini
Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini

"In 2022, this program is still continued to assist workers or laborers in adapting to the increase in fuel prices."

Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Recipients of the BSU also have criteria and regulations. Such as workers must be participants of BPJS Employment for at least 6 months."

Ada Rumor Diperpanjang, Kemnaker Pastikan Bantuan Subsidi Upah Tak Cair Tahun Ini
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