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Gibran Harus Tahu, Indonesia Ranking 3 SGIE Dunia 2023, Ini Faktornya

"Gibran Must Know, Indonesia Ranking 3 in World's SGIE 2023, Here are the Factors"

Dream - Indonesia successfully entered the top three in the Global Islamic Economy Indicator (GIEI) in the State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) Report 2023. The report was released by DinarStandard in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Tuesday, December 26, 2023. Last year, Indonesia was in fourth position, and now it occupies the third rank, below Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Indonesia displaces the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

"SGIE Disinggung Gibran Saat Debat Cawapres" translates to "SGIE Mentioned by Gibran During Vice Presidential Debate"

"Previously, vice presidential candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, asked vice presidential candidate number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), in the 2024 vice presidential debate, about efforts to improve Indonesia's ranking in SGIE."

"SGIE Assessment"

DinarStandard, which released SGIE, is an international research institution that focuses on the global Islamic economy. The GIEI ranking includes Islamic finance, halal food/drinks, modest fashion, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, Muslim-friendly tourism, media, and recreation.

Achievement of Indonesia in SGIE Report 2023

The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) in its statement explained that the SGIE Report 2023 reports that Indonesia maintains the second position in the Halal Food Indicator and the third position in the Modest Fashion Indicator.


"Obat-obatan dan Kosmetik Halal" translates to "Halal Medicines and Cosmetics" in English.

While halal medicines and cosmetics in Indonesia have risen from number 8 to number 5. Indonesia has climbed 23 positions to rank sixth in the Media and Recreation indicator, which previously did not make it to the top 10 in this category. In the Islamic finance sector, Indonesia has dropped one position from sixth to seventh.

"Export to OIC Countries"

SGIE also mentioned that Indonesia's exports to member countries of the OIC amounted to US$13.38 billion in 2022. In fact, Indonesia is one of the two OIC member countries that are among the top 10 exporters to the OIC, along with Turkey.

Ekspor ke Negara OKI

Indonesia is also a country with the second highest inflow of FDI among the member countries of the OIC and ranks 19th in terms of global FDI inflows. GIEI 2023 states that the import of halal products by OIC member countries, including the halal sector such as food and beverages, fashion, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, reached a value of US$359 billion in 2022. This figure is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7.6% to reach US$492 billion by 2027.

Head of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Muhammad Aqil Irham, said that Indonesia's positive results in the GIEI 2023 cannot be separated from various strategic efforts of the Indonesian Government, especially in strengthening the halal ecosystem.

Gibran Harus Tahu, Indonesia Ranking 3 SGIE Dunia 2023, Ini Faktornya

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "SGIE Report 2023 states that several important strategic efforts have been made in 2022, including the Indonesian government providing significant support for cross-sector MSMEs. This includes efforts to expedite halal certification. The SGIE 2023 report also notes that Indonesia has actively formed partnerships with several countries globally to provide halal product assurance services."

Example, the collaboration of halal product guarantee between Indonesia and the Islamic Republic of Iran through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU). Previously, Indonesia has also signed JPH collaboration with five countries, namely Chile, Argentina, Hungary, Belarus, and Turkey.

Gibran Harus Tahu, Indonesia Ranking 3 SGIE Dunia 2023, Ini Faktornya

"Including various efforts through our leadership in the G20, where BPJPH initiated the Halal 20 (H20) forum last year, which is an important milestone in the development of the global halal ecosystem and industry, as well as a platform for global halal partnerships," said Aqil in his statement, quoted on Wednesday, December 27, 2023."

"Aqil also explained from the H20 2023 forum, resulting in seven points of agreement in developing and strengthening the global halal product ecosystem agreed upon by 118 delegates from 41 countries. 'Another important result of H20 2023 is the signing of the MRA between BPJPH and 37 Foreign Halal Institutions (LHLN),' he continued."

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