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7 Important Sunnahs of Hajj Worship that Must be Known by Pilgrims, One of Them is Praying in the 'Aqiq Valley'

7 Important Sunnahs of Hajj Worship that Must be Known by Pilgrims, One of Them is Praying in the 'Aqiq Valley'

By practicing these sunnahs, there will be an abundance of rewards that will be obtained from Allah SWT.

Dream - Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam, namely the fifth. Although this worship is obligatory for Muslims, it is intended for those who are capable. Whether capable financially, physically, or mentally. Now, for Dream friends who have met these requirements and have registered for Hajj, it is very important to know the procedures for Hajj and its recommended acts. By performing the recommended acts of Hajj according to the hadith, it is not only following what the Prophet did, but also an opportunity to receive abundant rewards from Allah SWT.

The following are some Hajj traditions based on hadiths as summarized by Dream through various sources.

7 Important Sunnahs of Hajj to be Known by Pilgrims, One of Which is Praying in the Valley of 'Aqiq
The Sunnahs of Hajj According to the Prophet's Hadiths

The Sunnahs of Hajj According to the Prophet's Hadiths

The following are some important hajj traditions that should be known by the hajj pilgrims:

1. Shower during Ihram.

One of the sunnahs of hajj is to take a bath during ihram. According to the Shafi'i school of thought, it is disliked (makruh) for a hajj pilgrim to neglect the sunnah of bathing in ihram. Here is an explanation: "Bathing in ihram is recommended in all its ways because it follows the sunnah, even for hajj pilgrims who are menstruating or in postpartum bleeding, as the purpose of bathing is to cleanse the body. However, it is indeed recommended to recite the intention for bathing." (Ibnu Hajar Al-Haitami, Al-Manhajul Qawim pada Hasyiyatut Turmusi, [Jeddah, Darul Minhaj: 2011 M/1432 H], volume VI, pages 155-156)

The following is the intention to perform the ritual of bathing during ihram: نَوَيْتُ غُسْلَ الْإِحْرَامِ سُنَّةً لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى "I intend to perform the sunnah bathing of ihram for the sake of Allah SWT."

2. Wearing Perfume on the Body before Ihram

The next Sunnah of Hajj is to use perfume on the body before entering the state of ihram. This is in accordance with the explanation in the hadith, as Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, "I used to give the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) perfume for his ihram before entering the state of ihram and for his tahallul before performing Tawaf around the Kaaba." [Muttafaq 'alaih: Sahih al-Bukhari (III/396, no. 1539), Sahih Muslim (II/846, no. 1189 (33)), Sunan at-Tirmidhi (II/199, no. 920) with additional wording, Sunan Abu Dawood (V/169, no. 1729), Sunan an-Nasa'i (V/137), Sunan Ibn Majah (II/976, no. 2926)]

7 Important Sunnahs of Hajj to be Known by Pilgrims, One of Which is Praying in the Valley of 'Aqiq

3. Start Ihram with White Ihram Cloth.

"When performing ihram, it is recommended to wear a white ihram cloth, both on the top and bottom. As Ibn Abbas said, 'The Prophet Muhammad left Madinah after combing his hair and applying oil, then he and his Companions wore rida' and izar (the upper and lower ihram cloth).' Meanwhile, the use of ihram cloth is in accordance with the saying of the Prophet Muhammad: "

"Put on your white clothes, for indeed white clothes are your best clothes, and shroud the deceased among you with it."

4. Praying in the 'Aqiq Valley for those who Pass by it

Praying in the valley of 'Aqiq is one of the recommended acts during Hajj. As Umar said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say in the valley of 'Aqiq: 'Last night, a messenger from my Lord came to me and said, 'Pray in this blessed valley and intend to perform 'Umrah during Hajj.'" Wadi Al-'Aqiq itself is a valley considered to be a source of blessings. This valley is located on the route where people used to travel and engage in trade in ancient times.

7 Important Sunnahs of Hajj to be Known by Pilgrims, One of Which is Praying in the Valley of 'Aqiq

5. Raising the Voice while Reciting the Talbiyah

The next sunnah is to raise the voice while reciting the talbiyah. As the Prophet Muhammad said: "Gabriel came to me and commanded me to instruct my Companions to raise their voices when reciting the talbiyah." [ [Authentic collection of Hadiths by al-Jaami' al-Sagheer (no. 241)], Authentic collection of Hadiths by al-Bukhari (III/392, no. 534), Sunan Abi Dawud (V/232, no. 1783), Sunan Ibn Majah (II/991, no. 2976)]

Previously, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) shouted, Ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "In the past, when the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed the pilgrimage, their voices became hoarse before reaching Rauha."

7 Important Sunnahs of Hajj to be Known by Pilgrims, One of Which is Praying in the Valley of 'Aqiq

6. Praising, glorifying, and magnifying before starting Ihram.

As explained in the hadith of Anas, he said: "The Prophet saw performed four raka'at of Zuhr prayer in Madinah while we were with him, and he performed two raka'at of 'Asr prayer in Dzul Hulaifah. He stayed there until morning, then he rode a vehicle until he reached Baidha. Then he praised Allah, glorified Him, and entered into the state of ihram for Hajj and Umrah." [Sahih: [Shahiih Sunan Abi Dawud (no. 1558)], Shahiih al-Bukhari (III/441, no. 1551), Sunan Abi Dawud (V/223, no. 1779) as mentioned in this wording]

7. Facing the Qibla to start the pilgrimage

Explained in the hadith of Nafi', he said: "In the past, when Ibn 'Umar finished performing the Fajr prayer in Dhu'l-Hulaifah, he commanded the group to start moving. So the group started moving, and then he got on the vehicle. When the group was at the same level, he stood facing the Qibla and recited the Talbiyah... He was certain that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed this action." (Narrated by Bukhari)

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