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Apa Saja Tanda Bahwa Seseorang Meraih Predikat Haji Mabrur? Begini Menurut Para Ulama

What are the signs that someone has achieved the title of Haji Mabrur? This is According to the Scholars.

This hajj worship is not only valid in every process, but also hopes that the worship can be accepted by Allah SWT.

Dream - A blessed Hajj is the greatest hope for pilgrims who wish to perform the Hajj pilgrimage in the Holy Land. This Hajj pilgrimage is not only valid in every process, but also hopes that the worship will be accepted by Allah SWT. Because someone's Hajj may be considered valid, but it may not necessarily be accepted by Allah SWT. Therefore, this great worship must be prepared as best as possible. With that, Dream's friends who will perform the Hajj pilgrimage can obtain the predicate of a blessed Hajj.

Then, what are the signs of someone who has been given the title of haji mabrur? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Achieved the Title of Haji Mabrur? This is According to the Scholars
Tanda-Tanda Haji Mabrur Prayers for those departing for Hajj to be given ease and smoothness.">

"Signs of Accepted Hajj"

The following are some signs that someone is considered a Hajj Mabrur, as explained by the scholars.

1. Using Halal Wealth for Hajj

The first sign of a accepted hajj is the use of halal wealth to perform the hajj worship. Because Allah SWT does not accept wealth that is not halal. Whether it is halal in the process of acquiring it or in the place of acquiring it. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said: "Indeed, Allah is good and only accepts what is good." (Narrated by Muslim)

So, for Dream friends who want to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, they must ensure that their wealth is truly halal. Moreover, usually the cost of the Hajj trip is prepared well in advance, so it must be monitored and carefully observed regarding its halal status.

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Achieved the Title of Haji Mabrur? This is According to the Scholars

2. Perform Good Deeds According to the Guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The second sign of a successful Hajj is to perform good deeds in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad. For example, fulfilling the pillars and obligations to the best of one's ability. It is also important to refrain from anything prohibited by Allah SWT. It is crucial for Dream companions to know that in performing the Hajj pilgrimage, it must be done with a sincere heart in order to attain the title of a successful Hajj.

Syuraih al-Qadhi once said: "Those who truly perform the Hajj are few, even though the number of Hajj pilgrims is large. How many people do good deeds, but how few are sincere for the sake of Allah Azza wa Jalla."

3. Her Hajj is Filled with Good Deeds

The third sign of a blessed pilgrimage is that it is filled with good deeds, such as remembrance of Allah, praying in Masjidil Haram, praying on time, and helping fellow travelers. As stated by Ibn Rajab: "So, a blessed pilgrimage is one in which good deeds are accumulated, while avoiding sinful actions."

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was also asked about the meaning of a blessed pilgrimage, and he answered: "Feeding and speaking kindly." (HR. Al-Baihaqi)

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Achieved the Title of Haji Mabrur? This is According to the Scholars

4. Not Committing Sins During Ihram

The fourth sign of a blessed pilgrimage is to refrain from committing sins during the state of ihram. Sins refer to any actions that are prohibited by Allah SWT. Especially during ihram, these prohibitions become very strict. As Allah SWT states in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 197: "(The pilgrimage) is (during) well-known months. So whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein (by entering the state of ihram), there is (to be for him) no sexual relations, nor disobedience, nor disputing during Hajj."

5. Return from Hajj in Good Condition

The last sign of a mabrur hajj is returning from hajj in a good state. Now, one of the ways a person's deeds are accepted by Allah SWT is by being granted the ability to do good. However, if after performing righteous deeds, one instead engages in wrongdoing, it is a sign that Allah SWT does not accept their deeds. Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami once said, "It is said that the sign of an accepted hajj is abandoning the sins that were previously committed, replacing bad companions with good companions, and replacing gatherings of negligence with gatherings of remembrance and consciousness."

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