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"Prayer for Sending Someone on the Hajj Journey, Arabic, Latin, and Its Meaning Along with the Tradition of Entrusting Prayers According to Scholars"

Dream - In this month of May, the Hajj pilgrims have started to depart according to their respective clusters. A feeling of happiness arises in the midst of the extended family during the moment of departure, but at the same time, sadness is felt for having to bid farewell to family members or relatives for a considerable amount of time. However, prayers are always directed towards them, wishing for their smooth and easy journey in performing their religious duties, returning safely to their homeland, and becoming a blessed pilgrim. One tradition during the Hajj season is accompanying and reciting prayers for those embarking on the Hajj pilgrimage.

Even so, Muslims usually hold a walimatus safar haji or a thanksgiving ceremony to bid farewell to the hajj pilgrims.

Prayers for Sending People on Hajj in Arabic, Latin, and Their Meanings Along with the Tradition of Praying According to Scholars

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The prayer to accompany someone on the pilgrimage is certainly to ask for good things from Allah SWT for the family and relatives who are going on the pilgrimage. Well, here is the prayer to accompany someone on the pilgrimage as summarized by Dream through various sources."

"Prayer for Sending People on Hajj"

The following is a prayer reading for sending someone on Hajj that friends of Dream can practice when there is someone or an acquaintance who will perform the Hajj pilgrimage:

May Allah increase you in taqwa (piety), forgive your sins, and make it easy for you to do good wherever you are. This prayer is from a hadith narrated by the companion Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) in the book Al-Adzkar by Imam An-Nawawi.

"Narrated to us in the Book of At-Tirmidzi from the Companion Anas ra. He said that someone came to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, 'O Messenger, I am about to travel. Therefore, give me provisions,' said the companion. The Prophet then said, 'May Allah provide you with taqwa.' 'Add more, O Messenger,' said the companion. 'May Allah forgive your sins,' said the Prophet Muhammad SAW. 'Add more, O Messenger,' said the companion again. 'May Allah make it easy for you to attain goodness wherever you may be,' answered the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Imam At-Tirmidzi stated that the quality of this hadith is hasan."

Tradition of Escorting People Departing for Hajj and Entrusting Prayers According to Scholars

"In Indonesia, there is usually a tradition of accompanying people departing for Hajj. Because news about individuals who will perform Hajj will be welcomed with great joy."

Tradition of Escorting People Departing for Hajj and Entrusting Prayers According to Scholars

"They are willing to take the time to accompany the departure of family members, relatives, and friends who will be going to the Holy Land. In fact, they also entrust prayers, because prayers offered in the Holy Land are believed to be immediately granted by Allah SWT. Quoted from, the tradition of accompanying people going on Hajj has actually been in place since the time of the Prophet Muhammad in a place called Tsaniyyatul Wada'. In the book Syarh Shahih Al-Bukhari by Ibnu Bathal, volume 5, page 241 explains that the place is where the companions accompanied the pilgrims."

"Named Tsaniatul Wada' because the companions accompany those who perform Hajj and fight and entrust (prayers) to them. Besides reciting prayers for those departing for Hajj, Dream's companions can also entrust prayers for us to be prayed for in the Holy Land. As it is known together that Mecca and Medina are places greatly blessed by Allah SWT. So, prayers offered in those places are very effective."

Regular Hajj Visa Has Been Issued, 554 Clusters Ready to Fly Starting May 12, 2024

Regular Hajj Visa Has Been Issued, 554 Clusters Ready to Fly Starting May 12, 2024

The process of regular Hajj visa issuance for Indonesian pilgrims is approaching the final stage.

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Hot Temperature in Saudi Arabia Reaches 50 Degrees, Hajj Pilgrims are Asked to Prepare for This

Hot Temperature in Saudi Arabia Reaches 50 Degrees, Hajj Pilgrims are Asked to Prepare for This

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Procedures for Hajj Rituals in Order and Important Prayers to be Known by Hajj Pilgrims

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40 Prayers for Those Departing for Hajj for Ease and Smoothness until Returning to the Homeland

40 Prayers for Those Departing for Hajj for Ease and Smoothness until Returning to the Homeland

Prayers for those departing for Hajj can also be used as captions for your social media posts.

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Performing the hajj pilgrimage is an obligation for capable Muslims.

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Saudi Arabia Fatwa, Departing for Hajj Without Official Visa Invalidates the Ritual

Saudi Arabia Fatwa, Departing for Hajj Without Official Visa Invalidates the Ritual

According to Tawfiq, this policy is implemented to ensure the safety of the pilgrims during Hajj.

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Saudi Arabia Allows Independent Umrah, Here's How to Make the Visa that Needs to be Considered, Complete with Requirements and Costs

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Prayer of Sa'i Seven Rounds from Mount Safa to Marwah, Complete with the Prescribed Procedure that Must be Observed by Hajj Pilgrims

Prayer of Sa'i Seven Rounds from Mount Safa to Marwah, Complete with the Prescribed Procedure that Must be Observed by Hajj Pilgrims

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Kemenag Releases New Uniform for Hajj Pilgrims After 12 Years, Full of Purple Philosophical Meaning

Kemenag Releases New Uniform for Hajj Pilgrims After 12 Years, Full of Purple Philosophical Meaning

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The prayer for hajj departure that is practiced before departure is to ask for the benefit of the hajj worship.

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Viral Hajj Without Queueing for Decades on Social Media, This is What the Ministry of Religious Affairs Says

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