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Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning, Complete with Etiquettes and Virtues

Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning, Complete with Etiquettes and Virtues

Dream - Etiquette and prayer for drinking Zamzam water should be known by Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. Especially now that it is Hajj season. Knowing this before departure will make it easier for Dream friends when consuming it directly in the Holy Land. Reciting the prayer for drinking Zamzam water is not only recommended but also to ask for blessings and goodness for oneself. Zamzam water, which has been present since the time of the Prophet and has never dried up, indeed has its own uniqueness compared to other water that we commonly consume.

Therefore, when given the opportunity to drink it, Dream's friends should not forget to recite the prayer first and observe the etiquettes carefully. Here is the prayer and etiquettes for drinking Zamzam water as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning, Complete with Etiquette and Virtue
Doa Minum Air Zamzam

"Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water"

For Dream friends who have the opportunity to drink zamzam water, it is advisable not to forget to pray first. Here is the prayer for drinking zamzam water:

"Allahumma innahum qad balaghani 'an nabiyyika annahum qala, 'ma'u zamzama li ma syuriba lahu,' wa ana asyrabuhu li sa'adatid dunya wal akhirah. Allahumma faf'al. Artinya: 'O my Lord, it has reached me that Your Prophet said, 'The water of Zamzam is beneficial according to the intention of the one who drinks it,' (HR Ahmad, Al-Hakim, and Ad-Daruqutni) and I drink it for happiness in this world and the hereafter. O Allah, accept it.' (Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Bujairimi, Hasyiyatul Bujairimi alal Iqna', [Beirut, Darul Fikr: 2006 M/1426-1427 H])"

The following is a prayer for drinking Zamzam water from the companion Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated by Imam Ad-Daruqutni: "Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman nafi'an, wa rizqan wasi'an, wa syifa'an min kulli da'in." Translation: "O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and healing from all diseases."

"Etiquette of Drinking Zamzam Water"

Zamzam water is the holy water that comes from the Zamzam well in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Here are some etiquette that are recommended when drinking Zamzam water:

Facing the Qibla: It is recommended to drink Zamzam water while facing the Qibla. Reciting Bismillah: Before drinking, it is advised to say "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah). Drinking with the Right Hand: According to the Sunnah, use the right hand when drinking. Drinking in Three Sips: It is recommended not to drink all at once, but in three sips. Sitting while Drinking: Although not obligatory, it is better to drink while sitting according to some narrations.

Praying after Drinking: After drinking, it is recommended to recite a prayer. One of the prayers that can be recited is: "Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan waasi'an, wa shifaa'an min kulli daa'in wa saqamin" (O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance, and healing from every illness and weakness). Good Intentions: Drinking Zamzam water with good intentions, such as for health, blessings, or other good purposes.

"The Virtue of Drinking Zamzam Water"

Drinking Zamzam water has various virtues that make it special in the eyes of Muslims. Here are some of those virtues:

1. Answered Prayers

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The Zamzam water depends on the intention of the person who drinks it." (HR. Ahmad). It means that if someone drinks Zamzam water with a specific intention, such as seeking healing or blessings, God willing, that intention will be granted.

2. Healing from Illness

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Air Zamzam is believed to have healing properties. Many stories tell that this water can cure various diseases with the permission of Allah. Therefore, before drinking Zamzam water, don't forget to pray first and ask for healing for the disease suffered to be immediately lifted by Allah SWT."

3. Increase in Faith and Piety

Consuming Zamzam water with full conviction can enhance a person's faith and piety. This is because drinking this water is a form of worship and acknowledgment of Allah's miracles. The emergence of the Zamzam well occurred when Siti Hajar was trying to find water for her son, Ismail.

4. Eliminating Hunger and Thirst

In several narrations, it is mentioned that Zamzam water can alleviate hunger and thirst. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: "The best water on the face of the earth is Zamzam water. Zamzam water can be both a satisfying meal and a healing medicine for diseases." (Narrated by Ibn Abbas)

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