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"Do not be sad if you have not been able to perform Hajj, the reward of performing this prayer is equal to performing Hajj."

Although the pilgrimage itself is obligatory, it is only required for those who are able to do so.

Dream - As a follower of Islam, surely you want to perform the hajj pilgrimage at least once in your lifetime? In addition to being able to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam and pray in front of the Kaaba, every act of worship performed in the Holy Land is highly rewarded. However, going on hajj in this modern era is not a simple matter. The cost is not small and the queues are quite long, making the desire to perform hajj must be faced with patience. Although the obligation of hajj is mandatory, this requirement is only imposed on those who are able. As for Muslims who are not yet able, do not worry and do not feel excessively sad.

There is a prayer worship practice that brings rewards equal to the pilgrimage. What prayer is that? Why is the reward great? To find out the answer, here is as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Don't Be Sad If You Can't Perform Hajj, The Reward for Performing This Prayer is Equivalent to Performing Hajj
Sholat yang Pahalanya Setara dengan Haji

"Prayer whose rewards are equal to Hajj"

Explained in a book called Al-Mawaizh Al-Usfuriyah, the reward for performing Friday prayers is extremely extraordinary. It is mentioned that the reward for Friday prayers is equivalent to performing the Hajj four times in a month.

Syekh Muhammad bin Abu Bakar Ushfury tells the story of someone who had a conversation with a grave expert. Al-Imam az-Zandusiti said, "I have heard that Imam Abu Muhammad bin Abdillah bin Fadhl conveyed a story while he was teaching. He told the story in Persian language. The story goes that it was narrated from Al-Auza'i that he said, one day Maisaroh bin Khunais passed by the graves."

"May safety be poured upon all of you, O inhabitants of the grave! You have preceded us and we will follow you. May Allah have mercy, forgive, and bless us and all of you when facing Him, that is when we have experienced what you have experienced." Then, Allah SWT returned the soul to the body of one of the grave dwellers. The grave dweller responded to Maisaroh's greeting, "You are so fortunate, O inhabitants of the world! You can perform Hajj four times every month."

Don't Be Sad If You Can't Perform Hajj, The Reward for Performing This Prayer is Equivalent to Performing Hajj

"Where do we perform Hajj four times every month? May Allah bless you," Maisaroh asked. Then, the inhabitant of the grave answered, "Go for Friday prayers. Don't you know that Friday prayers are like accepted and blessed Hajj?" "Tell us a deed that you can always do," Maisaroh asked. "Seek forgiveness! O inhabitants of the world! Seeking forgiveness is the most beneficial thing in the afterlife," the inhabitant of the grave answered.

"What made you not respond to our greeting earlier?" asked Maisaroh. "Greeting is a form of kindness. And kindness has been taken away from us. Therefore, our kindness will not increase and our wrongdoing will not decrease," answered the inhabitant of the grave. "We have accepted your words, may Allah bless the deceased Fula for us. Oh, people of the world!" added the inhabitant of the grave."

Friday is the pilgrimage of the poor.

There is a hadith that explains that Friday is the pilgrimage of the poor people.

Friday is the pilgrimage of the poor.

"Friday is the pilgrimage for the poor." (HR. Al-Qadla'i and Ibnu Asakir) Although the authenticity of the above hadith is weak, it can still be practiced because it relates to the virtues of deeds or the excellence of actions and not in the context of establishing laws. Explained by Syekh Ihsan bin Dakhlan, that for those who are unable to perform the pilgrimage, attending Friday prayers is like going to the place of pilgrimage in terms of obtaining rewards. Although the level of reward may be different."

However, the explanation above does not mean that Hajj can be replaced with Friday. Hajj remains an obligation for those who are capable.

Don't Be Sad If You Can't Perform Hajj, The Reward for Performing This Prayer is Equivalent to Performing Hajj
The Story of Mbah Harjo, a 110-Year-Old Veteran who Became the Oldest Pilgrim of Hajj

The Story of Mbah Harjo, a 110-Year-Old Veteran who Became the Oldest Pilgrim of Hajj

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