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Procedure of Ihram on the Plane along with its Intention in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning, Obligatory for Hajj Pilgrims to Know.

Procedure of Ihram on the Plane along with its Intention in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning, Obligatory for Hajj Pilgrims to Know.

Dream - Ihram is part of the first pillar of Hajj and is a requirement when performing the Hajj pilgrimage in the Holy Land. However, did you know the meaning of ihram itself, my friend? Ihram comes from the Arabic language, which means to prohibit. In the Hajj pilgrimage, ihram means to enter or perform the Hajj pilgrimage by prohibiting things that are forbidden during ihram. In performing ihram, the Hajj pilgrim must recite the intention, which serves as a sign of the beginning of the implementation of Hajj, and also observe the prohibitions that have been established by the sharia.

For pilgrims who come from countries outside of Saudi Arabia and have to travel by plane, they can perform ihram inside the plane. How to do it? Here are the procedures for performing ihram on the plane as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Procedure for Ihram on the Plane and Its Intention in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning, Hajj Pilgrims Must Know
Hukum Ihram

Laws of Ihram

Ihram is part of the first pillar of Hajj and Umrah and becomes a mandatory practice. Therefore, ihram cannot be replaced by someone else.

As explained in the letter Al-Baqarah verse 197: "(The season of) Hajj is a few months that are well-known. Whoever intends to perform Hajj during that month, then they must not have sexual relations, commit sin, or argue during the time of performing Hajj. And whatever good you do, Allah is aware of it. Prepare yourselves, and surely the best provision is righteousness. Fear Me, O people of understanding."

When someone has entered the state of ihram, that is when the prohibitions that have been established apply. When the prohibition of ihram is violated, then that person must pay a dam or fine. The fine is by slaughtering a goat. If unable to buy a goat, then one must fast for three days while performing the Hajj, then fast for seven days in their home country and also feed the poor.

"Procedures for Ihram on the Plane"

Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim At-Tuwaijri explains that whoever boards an airplane to perform Hajj or Umrah, or both, is indeed in a state of ihram inside the aircraft when it aligns with one of these miqats.

Tata Cara Ihram di Pesawat

"Then he wears the ihram clothing, then intends to perform ihram," he said. "If during the flight, the person does not have ihram clothing, then he performs ihram with pants and uncovers his head. If he does not have pants, then he performs ihram on his clothes. If he gets off the plane, he should immediately buy ihram clothing and wear it. Performing ihram should not be delayed until getting off the plane at Jeddah airport. If this is done, then he must return to the nearest miqat to perform ihram from there."

"If one does not return and perform the ihram at the airport or intentionally goes beyond the miqat, but is aware of the ruling, then they are committing a sin and their nusuk is valid. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 'The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) preached to us at Arafah, and he said, 'Whoever does not have a sarong, let him wear pants, and whoever does not have two sandals, let him wear two khufs (shoes).' Muttafaqun 'alaih."

Bacaan Niat Ihram

"Intention of Ihram Reading"

"When performing Ihram, the pilgrims must not forget to recite the intention for Ihram. Here is the recitation:"

I intend to perform Hajj and I have entered the state of ihram for the sake of Allah, the Almighty and Majestic. Here I am, O Allah, here I am. This means: "I intend to perform Hajj and I have entered the state of ihram only seeking the pleasure of Allah. I respond to Your call, O Allah, I respond to Your call." After entering the state of ihram, the pilgrim can continue by reciting the talbiyah during the journey. Here is the recitation: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, there is no partner for You, here I am. Indeed, all praise and blessings are for You, and the sovereignty is Yours. There is no partner for You."

Labbaika Allahumma labbaik, labbaika laa syariika laka labbaik. Innal hamda wanni'mata laka wal mulk, laa syariikaa laka. Meaning: "O Allah, here I am answering Your call. O Allah, there is no partner for You, indeed all praise, blessings, and sovereignty (power) belong to You alone. There is no partner for You." (Narrated by Bukhari)

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