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7 Faktor Pemicu Nyeri Pinggang, Bisa karena Fashion Item Favorit

7 Trigger Factors for Back Pain, Can be Due to Favorite Fashion Items

7 Pemicu Nyeri Pinggang, Bisa karena Fashion Item Favorit

Dream - Have you ever experienced pain or back pain? This condition can happen to anyone, regardless of age or gender. It is usually felt in the lower rib area, including the lower back or side of the back.

People with lower back pain can experience intermittent or continuous pain, either on one side of the lower back or both. So, what actually causes lower back pain? There are many factors, often due to daily habits.

7 Pemicu Nyeri Pinggang, Bisa karena Fashion Item Favorit

1. Tight Skirt and High Heels

Wearing a skirt that is too tight can restrict movement in the hip area, causing pressure on the spine. A similar effect also occurs when you wear high heels, where the shoes put your feet at an unnatural height, causing the muscles in the lower back to shift. Therefore, choose a skirt that provides comfort and shoes with the appropriate size to maintain spinal health.

7 Pemicu Nyeri Pinggang, Bisa karena Fashion Item Favorit

2. Carbonated Drinks

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Habit of consuming sweet carbonated drinks can cause the formation of kidney stones, which potentially leads to back pain. Carbonated drinks can also cause gas to be trapped in the digestive system and put pressure on the spine. If you experience back pain after enjoying a glass of cola, it is recommended to immediately replace it with drinking mineral water."

3. Wrong Pillow

Most pillows can cause the head to be in an unnatural sleeping position, putting pressure on the neck and spine which can eventually lead to pain and sleep disturbances. Look for pillows that can be adjusted to your size, place one more between or under your knees. This sleeping position has been proven to reduce lower back pain.

4. Washing Dishes with the Wrong Position

Bowing over the sink while washing dishes puts pressure on the lower back, which can strain the muscles in this area. To prevent lower back pain, it is recommended to place one foot on a small stool while washing dishes. This helps adjust the body posture and prevents lower back pain from occurring.

5. Reading While Lying Down

Reading while lying in bed can cause tension in the spine and muscles in the lower back area, which can result in pain. If reading a book before bed is a way to relax after a busy day, it is recommended to sit in a chair to avoid lower back pain.

"Sering Naik Turun Tangga" translates to "Often Going Up and Down the Stairs" in English.

"Although often considered a healthy habit, going up and down stairs may not be the best option for maintaining fitness if you experience lower back pain. If there is any complaint of knee or back pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor before deciding to use stairs as a method of increasing physical activity. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Source: Brightside"

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