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Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

"Apparently, there is no need to walk 10,000 steps per day, here's the reason"

Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

Dream - Walking is the simplest exercise to do. Dream friends can do it regularly without using special equipment. The health benefits obtained are also diverse. Starting from improving heart health to strengthening leg muscles.

After knowing this fact, quite a lot of people take the time to walk. However, some people find it difficult to spare time for walking amidst other activities. Moreover, if they have to walk 10,000 steps.

Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya
Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

If Dream Friend is one of those who find it difficult to find time for walking exercise and reap its health benefits, now you don't need to worry. It turns out, you don't have to take 10,000 steps to experience the health benefits.

According to research in the JAMA Network Open journal, walking 8,000 steps 1-2 times a week is enough to reduce the risk of death. So, there is no excuse for you not to walk. If Sahabat Dream wants to know more about walking exercise and its benefits, let's find out more!

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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Influence of Number of Steps on the Risk of Death"

Did you know that people who walk 8,000 steps or more 1-2 times a week have the same or lower risk of death compared to those who walk every day? Yup, this is a fact.

In the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006, researchers evaluated the number of steps taken by 3,000 adults over one week. Afterward, they matched the number of steps with mortality data.

Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

Based on the survey, it was found that people who walk 8,000 steps 1-2 times a week have a 15 percent lower risk of death in the next 10 years compared to those who do not do it. Of course, a lower percentage of risk of death can be achieved if you walk more frequently.

"The Origin of the Target of 10,000 Steps a Day"

Walking 10,000 steps a day seems to have become a fitness target for many people. Even health applications use the number 10,000 as the target number of steps that users need to take. However, do you know the origin of this number of steps?

According to American Medical and Sports Cardiologist, Eli Friedman, the target of 10,000 steps per day originates from a Japanese company that created a step counter device called 'Manpo-kei'. When translated into Indonesian, the name of the device means '10,000 step counter'.

Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

After the creation of this tool, research was conducted to prove whether walking 10,000 steps a day has a scientific basis for health. The results of the study showed that walking 7,500 steps in a day alone is already sufficient to provide many health benefits. Meanwhile, 10,000 steps is a higher target for more health benefits.

Impact of Number of Steps on Health

As we know, walking can prevent various diseases, including cancer and heart disease. This is proven by research that observes the impact of the number of steps on reducing the risk of these diseases.

"Even 2,000 steps per day can reduce the risk of early death by almost 10 percent according to a study in JAMA Internal Medicine. This research indicates that 10,000 steps per day are associated with lower risks of death, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases," said Bradley Serwer, a Heart Specialist in Maryland."

Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

Not only that, older people can have a much lower risk of dementia if they are able to walk 10,000 steps every day. Wow, there are so many benefits!

Tips to be More Active in Walking

There are many ways you can do to walk more when you have a busy daily routine. Dream friends can schedule a 20-minute walk per day or choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator when strolling at the shopping center.

Apart from that, if you are driving to a place, you can also park your personal vehicle far enough from the entrance. Indirectly, this will make you walk further.

Ternyata Tak Perlu Jalan 10.000 Langkah Per Hari, Ini Alasannya

How, Dream friends? It's very easy, isn't it, to be more active in walking when doing daily activities? Let's live a healthier life by walking more! Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source:

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