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Body Conditions Easily Change After New Year Holidays, Check Out Nutritionist's Advice

Body Conditions Easily Change After New Year Holidays, Check Out Nutritionist's Advice

Body Conditions Easily Change After New Year's Holiday, Check Out Nutritionist's Advice

Dream - Christmas and New Year holidays (Nataru) become a special moment for everyone. Because, the long holiday time can be used to gather with family and take a momentary rest from daily routines.

During the holiday moments, Dream friends are also freer to determine the activities to be done or choose their favorite food to eat.

Body Conditions Easily Change After New Year's Holiday, Check Out Nutritionist's Advice

"Although it feels very comfortable and free, however, this habit can cause some changes in the body that need to be controlled after the vacation. The reason is, your body condition can worsen without being known. So, what should be done to control body health after the vacation? Check out the advice from Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Luciana Sutanto, below."

Medical Check Up

The easiest way to find out and control the body's condition after a vacation is by doing a medical check-up. The main purpose of doing this is to evaluate body weight, as well as fat and blood sugar levels.

<b>Medical Check Up</b>

"The examination, how is it, the level of blood fat, blood sugar, and other related things, for example, weighing body weight or measuring waist circumference, whether it has exceeded a healthy weight or if it is already overweight, pay attention to how many kilograms it has increased yesterday."
"Luciana said as quoted from Liputan6."

"@ 2023"


"Increase in Waist Circumference and Cholesterol Levels"

Weight gain is usually accompanied by an increase in cholesterol levels, especially if Sahabat Dream consumes excessive food. This is exacerbated by a lack of physical activity that causes an increase in waist circumference.

"If body weight increases but we exercise and the waist circumference doesn't increase, the weight gain is muscle, if during outings the muscles can increase, but we go by car, sit, chat, so fat accumulates."
"imbuhnya." in English is "additional."

"@ 2023"

Eat Nutritious Food and Get Enough Rest

Eat Nutritious Food and Get Enough Rest

Consumption of nutritious food in sufficient quantities, ranging from side dishes, vegetables, fruits, to carbohydrates, to keep the body healthy and maintain weight after the holidays.

"Dear Dream friends also need to maintain meal times, as well as adequate sleep and rest to prevent stomach diseases, maintain body endurance, and stamina."

Body Conditions Easily Change After New Year's Holiday, Check Out Nutritionist's Advice

"Consumption of Supplements and Vitamins"

If the body's nutrients have not been met with food intake, Sahabat Dream needs to consume vitamin or mineral supplements.

On the contrary, you don't need to consume supplements if your body's nutritional needs are already met. Consuming supplements and vitamins in the wrong dosage can become toxic in the body. According to Luciana, Indonesian society tends to lack vitamin D because they are rarely exposed to morning sunlight. If you lack vitamin D, you must consume it in the form of small-dose supplements.

Perform Health Check and Consultation with a Nutritionist Doctor.

Before consuming supplements and vitamins carelessly, check your health to determine the levels of vitamin D and other body conditions, and consult a nutritionist to ensure that what you consume has a positive impact on your body.

Body Conditions Easily Change After New Year's Holiday, Check Out Nutritionist's Advice
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