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"Free Covid-19 Vaccines Start to Be Limited, Epidemiologist Speaks Up"

Vaksin Covid-19 Gratis Mulai Dibatasi, Epidemiolog Angkat Bicara

Dream - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) has determined that the COVID-19 vaccine will be subject to charges for individuals who are not included in the vulnerable group.

Vaksin Covid-19 Gratis Mulai Dibatasi, Epidemiolog Angkat Bicara

For certain groups, vaccination remains available for free. These groups include the elderly, the elderly with comorbidities, adults with comorbidities, frontline healthcare workers, pregnant women, and adolescents aged 12 and above, as well as immunocompromised individuals.

Epidemiologist, Dicky Budiman, welcomed this policy positively. "Wow, this is very good and it is also in line with what I have been recommending from the beginning. So providing free vaccination to this vulnerable group will provide protection and leverage in achieving vaccination coverage itself. If it is paid, it will be difficult," said Dicky, as quoted from

"Vaccine for Children"

Dicky also emphasizes the importance of providing free vaccination to children as part of primary vaccination. "Well, this is good like this and of course, don't forget that this also applies to children. Primary vaccination for children also needs to be free," added Dicky.


"Domestic Vaccination"

Dicky also encourages the priority use of domestically made vaccines such as Indovac, considering their benefits in reducing the use of imported vaccines and supporting research and domestic vaccine production.


While the vaccine is still free for vulnerable groups, Dicky reminds us of the importance of not neglecting preventive measures. "Of course, this should not overlook the preventive aspect in the context of behavioral changes. Like the 5M (washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, reducing mobility), which is also very important," said Dicky.

"He also predicted an increase in COVID-19 cases would occur, but not as bad as during the initial pandemic. Nevertheless, Dicky emphasized that every wave still has the potential to cause casualties, albeit in small numbers."

Vaksin Covid-19 Gratis Mulai Dibatasi, Epidemiolog Angkat Bicara

"Previously, at the beginning of 2024, the Ministry of Health has determined that paid vaccines are for non-vulnerable communities."

This policy does not apply to six groups who are still receiving free vaccination, in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation (PMK) Number HK.01.07/MENKES/2193/2023 Regarding the COVID-19 Immunization Program. Source:

Vaksin Covid-19 Gratis Mulai Dibatasi, Epidemiolog Angkat Bicara
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