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There is a Type of Stress that Has a Positive Effect, Emerging at This Moment.

There is a Type of Stress that Has a Positive Effect, Emerging at This Moment.

Ada Jenis Stres yang Punya Efek Positif, Munculnya di Momen Ini

Dream - Stress is synonymous with a chaotic, complicated situation that causes someone to feel pressured, even depressed. Stress is always associated with negative situations that have a detrimental impact on someone. Apparently, its effects are not always like that.

Almost everyone experiences stress because it is a natural part of human life. However, stress is not always related to difficult situations. There is also a type of stress that is good.

Ada Jenis Stres yang Punya Efek Positif, Munculnya di Momen Ini

Stress that has a positive impact or is known as eustress is a type of positive stress that occurs when someone experiences challenges or pressure at an optimal level. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), eustress occurs when someone faces demanding situations but can still enjoy them. In other words, it is a type of stress that arises from challenging activities or tasks but at the same time provides satisfaction or pleasure.

Ada Jenis Stres yang Punya Efek Positif, Munculnya di Momen Ini

Eustress can be exemplified in moments such as entering retirement, starting a new family, taking on new job responsibilities, or engaging in sports activities.

The body's response to eustress can help us overcome stressful situations and provide positive benefits. Therefore, this stress can have advantages.

Ada Jenis Stres yang Punya Efek Positif, Munculnya di Momen Ini

"Increasing Brain Power"

"Low-level stress can stimulate the production of brain chemicals called neurotrophins," said Richard Shelton MD, deputy head of research at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Alabama. This substance helps strengthen the connections between neurons in the brain. If low-level stress is managed well, it can increase productivity and concentration, as well as have a positive impact on brain strength and performance."


"Improving Immunity in the Short Term"

Dr. Shelton explains that when the body faces stress, defense mechanisms will be activated to protect against potential injury or infection. One way is by increasing the production of interleukins, chemicals that regulate the immune system. This provides an additional boost to the immune system to provide temporary protection against threats.


"Encouraging to be Productive"

"Stress can drive responsive and productive behavior, especially when facing time pressure," said Dr. Shelton. In other words, in certain situations, stress can serve as a motivator that pushes someone to successfully complete their tasks or responsibilities."


"Menjadi Lebih Tangguh" translates to "Becoming Stronger" in English.

Learning to manage how to deal with stressful situations can make us more resilient to stress in the future. So not all stress is negative, Sahabat Dream. Report by Amanda Syavira. Source:

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