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"Super Hits on Tiktok: Rice Water for Hair Treatment, Doctor Reveals the Facts"

Hits Banget di Tiktok Rice Water for Hair Care, Doctor Reveals the Facts

Dream - Rice water is one of the traditional natural ingredients that is recognized to provide benefits for facial and body skin. Not only for the skin, but it is also considered beneficial for accelerating hair growth.

It has been long used and claimed to be able to smoothen hair by most people, but some dermatologists are not too sure about the benefits of this rice water. Using rice water for hair treatment is currently trending on TikTok with the hashtag #ricewater, and the views reach millions.

Hits Banget di Tiktok Rice Water for Hair Care, Doctor Reveals the Facts

Until now, many experts have not been able to prove the benefits of rice water for hair. Although it is true that rice contains nutrients such as magnesium, iron, amino acids, thiamine, and niacin, rice water is not yet considered useful for hair treatment.

"The rice water can actually be dangerous because it is not formulated for the scalp. You do not get the same absorption (substance) into the hair follicles or hair shaft (follicles and hair shaft require different substances and treatments)."

The text translates to: "words from Rhoda Farah MD, Professor of Dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, quoted from"

Hits Banget di Tiktok Rice Water for Hair Care, Doctor Reveals the Facts

"Water Pulls Moisture from Hair"

"Rice water is known to contain starch that can attract moisture and thus damage hair. Not all hair types are suitable for using hair care products based on rice water. "Rice water can damage it (hair), especially for people with curly hair that tends to break more easily," said Rhoda."

Many people believe that rice bran mineral extract in rice water can improve a person's hair health, even help accelerate hair growth. In fact, the rice bran mineral extract has been lost since the rice reaches the sales place. So, experts reveal that women's hair that grows quickly and smoothly is not caused by processed rice water, but by their lifestyle and healthy eating patterns.

"Please note that each hair has different resistance, so not everyone will have compatibility for the same product, as with the trend of hair care with rice water. "This rice water treatment is something that is cheap and low-risk, in my opinion, the benefits are also low. There is no evidence that this will produce anything," said Deirdre Hooper, MD, Certified Dermatologist at Audubon Dermatology. Report by Monica Alycia Mutiara / Source"

Hits Banget di Tiktok Rice Water for Hair Care, Doctor Reveals the Facts
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