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"If you experience Insomnia, Try Doing These 5 Simple Tips"

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini

Dream - Exercising and consuming nutritious food is not the only key to a healthy life. Dream friends also need sufficient rest and maintain the quality of sleep to ensure the well-being of the mind and body.

Unfortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report in America shows that nearly 35 percent of the population in the US experiences difficulty sleeping, which may have a negative impact on cognitive function and physical condition.

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini

Difficulty sleeping that causes poor quality of rest can lead to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, stress, and memory disorders. Moreover, if your rest time is less than the ideal duration.

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini

"Although it is difficult and many people give up in their efforts to overcome this sleep disorder, there are many easy things worth trying to overcome insomnia and its side effects. Let's find out what they are."

<b>1.	Berlatih Yoga dan Meditasi</b>

1. Practicing Yoga and Meditation

Stress can make it harder for you to sleep. If you experience it, try doing yoga and meditation to improve your mood and sleep quality.

Sahabat Dream can train breathing patterns and body movements during yoga to help release stress while also providing positive effects on the quality, efficiency, and duration of sleep.

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini

Apart from yoga, you can also do meditation to overcome sleep disturbances. Research in 2012 shows that meditation can increase melatonin levels and help you sleep more easily, you know.

2. Pay Attention to When and What You Eat

Apparently, mealtime can affect sleep quality. Research from the American Time Use Survey shows that if you eat one hour before bed, the likelihood of waking up suddenly will increase.


"Not only mealtime, the type of food consumed can also affect sleep quality."

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini

As an example, a study shows that although a high-carbohydrate diet can help you fall asleep faster, the quality of your sleep may be poor or not restful. On the other hand, if you consume high-fat foods, your sleep will be more restful and comfortable.

3. Listen to Soothing Music

Not only practicing yoga and paying attention to food intake, you can also listen to soothing music to improve the quality and duration of sleep. Music can provide comfort and relaxation before sleep, which helps reduce anxiety.


Research in 2012 involving 50 people showed that those who listened to calming music for 45 minutes before sleep had better sleep quality compared to those who did not listen to music.

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini
Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini

"If you don't want to listen to winning music, Sahabat Dream can also avoid loud noises by using earplugs in order to sleep faster."

4. Turn Off Electronic Devices

Although entertaining, it turns out that watching TV, playing video games, and using cell phones can cause difficulty sleeping, you know. Electronic devices will keep your mind active and emit blue light that can suppress melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep cycles.


Use glasses as a blue light barrier at night and stay away from and turn off gadgets before sleeping.

Jika Alami Insomnia, Coba Lakukan 5 Tips Sederhana Ini
5. Use Aromatherapy

5. Use Aromatherapy

According to the survey, aromatherapy has been proven to help improve sleep quality and reduce stress, pain, anxiety, and depression.

Each variant of aromatherapy has different functions and aromas. Dream friends can try the peppermint and lavender variants to improve sleep quality and overcome insomnia. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: Healthline

You can follow WA Channel Dream at this link.

You can follow WA Channel Dream at this link.

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