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"Prayer of Gratitude along with the Meaning that Needs to be Understood, Don't Ever Disbelieve in Blessings!"

Dream - Being grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given is a duty for us. Whoever is grateful, then Allah promises to multiply His blessings. For a Muslim, gratitude is a way to give thanks. Not to others but to his Lord, Allah SWT. Gratitude signifies a servant's unconditional acceptance of Allah's amazing blessings. That is why gratitude must be based on sincerity.

In the Al-Quran, Allah SWT says: "Verily, if you are grateful, We will surely increase you in blessings. But if you deny My favors, then indeed, My punishment is severe."

(QS. Ibrahim: 7).

The following verse emphasizes the importance of gratitude, because gratitude will bring additional blessings from Allah SWT, while ingratitude will lead to severe punishment. Gratitude in Islam is an attitude that reflects awareness, recognition, and appreciation for all the blessings from Allah SWT, and using them in a good and proper manner according to the teachings of Islam.

The blessings that He gives are in accordance with the condition of His servants. Usually, we express our gratitude by saying Alhamdulillah. However, there is a recommended prayer of gratitude. How is the recommended prayer of gratitude recited? Find out in the following explanation and practice it every time you feel the blessings given by Allah.

Prayer of Gratitude and its Meaning that Needs to be Understood, Don't Be Ungrateful!

The Meaning of Gratitude in Islam that Every Muslim Needs to Understand

1. Acknowledging the Blessings of Allah Gratitude means realizing and acknowledging that all the blessings and favors we receive come from Allah SWT. This includes the blessings of life, health, sustenance, and all forms of goodness we obtain. 2. Expressing Gratitude Gratitude can be expressed verbally, such as saying "Alhamdulillah" (Praise be to Allah). This is a verbal recognition of the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT.

3. Using Blessings Wisely Gratitude also means using all the blessings that Allah has given in a manner that is in accordance with His will. For example, using wealth for good, maintaining good health, and being kind to others. 4. Obedience and Worship As an expression of gratitude, a Muslim strives to increase obedience and worship to Allah SWT. This includes performing prayers, fasting, giving zakat, and engaging in other righteous deeds.

5. Patience in Trials Gratitude also includes being patient and grateful to Allah in facing trials and tribulations. Acknowledging that everything that happens has wisdom and is part of Allah's plan. 6. Sharing with Others One form of gratitude is sharing the blessings we receive with others, especially those in need. This can be in the form of charity, helping others, and doing good deeds.

Bacaan Doa Rasa Syukur sebagai Ungkapan Terimakasih kepada Allah

Reading Prayer of Gratitude as an Expression of Thanks to Allah

1. Prayer of Gratitude

The following is a prayer of gratitude that Sahabat Dream can practice. By reciting this prayer, we express our gratitude to Allah SWT for all the blessings and gifts He has given. Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin khamdan katsira yuwafi ni'amahu wa yukafiu mazidahu. Translation: "All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, praise that is commensurate with His blessings and guarantees its increase."

2. Gratitude Prayer

The following are other prayers as expressions of gratitude that you can recite every day: ﷽️﹐﹍,﹛﹢﹐ ﹍﹫﹨ ﹫﹐﹠ ﻋﻻ.&ﻭ﹍ ﻭ﹋,﹩﹙﹡ﻚ﹖ﻶ.﹙ﻣ﹤ﻦﻦﻦ﹩ﻱ﹩ﻣ﹤ﺁﻆﺢ﹩ﺷﹺﺎﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ﺍﻁﹺﺹﹺﻇ﹩ﺙﺽﹴﺰﹺﺏﻆﺢﺁﻆﺢ﹣ﹴﺶ﹩ﺒﺾﹺ﹩ﺉﺂﺶﹶﻆ﹒ﻎ﹎﹙﹗ﻪﺑﻚﺁﹹﻊ﹩ʋ


3. Prayer of Gratitude

There are still other prayers as expressions of gratitude. O Ghaniyyu, O Hamidu, O Mubdiu, O Mu'idu, O Rahimu, O Wadudu, enrich me with the halal from the haram, and suffice me with Your grace from any other source. It means: "O the One who is Most Rich, O the One who is Most Praiseworthy, O the One who Creates creatures from the beginning, O the Most Merciful, O the Most Loving, enrich me with the halal from the haram, and suffice me with Your grace from any other source."

Turns Out Tea Should Not Be Heated, Listen to the Explanation of Nutrition Experts

Turns Out Tea Should Not Be Heated, Listen to the Explanation of Nutrition Experts

Tea is not recommended to be consumed by reheating. This will cause the nutritional content in it to change and be less beneficial for health.

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Wearing a Helmet for a Long Time? Don't Forget to Take Care of Your Scalp

Wearing a Helmet for a Long Time? Don't Forget to Take Care of Your Scalp

Who rides or takes a motorcycle as daily transportation?

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7 Best Foods Before Bed, Help Diet and Burn Fat

7 Best Foods Before Bed, Help Diet and Burn Fat

It is important to choose the right food before bed.

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The Secret of Anti-Boncos Students: 5 Powerful Ways to Get Extra Money!

The Secret of Anti-Boncos Students: 5 Powerful Ways to Get Extra Money!

Get extra money while being a student with these powerful ways!

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Drinking Ginger Shots, Helps Maintain Immunity amid Virus Attacks

Drinking Ginger Shots, Helps Maintain Immunity amid Virus Attacks

One popular form of consuming ginger is Ginger Shots, a drink that can boost the body's immune system.

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10 Recommendations for Baby Powder for Adults Latest 2024

10 Recommendations for Baby Powder for Adults Latest 2024

Recommendations for baby powder suitable for adults.

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At 74 Years Old, Designer Vera Wang's Appearance in Swimsuit Causes a Stir

At 74 Years Old, Designer Vera Wang's Appearance in Swimsuit Causes a Stir

Vera Wang is praised for looking 50 years younger when wearing a swimsuit. Her appearance has garnered various comments from netizens.

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Facts about the Newly Detected FLiRT Covid Variant in the US in 2024

Facts about the Newly Detected FLiRT Covid Variant in the US in 2024

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of cases of this variant has significantly increased in recent weeks.

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Can Adults Use Baby Powder and What are the Benefits?

Can Adults Use Baby Powder and What are the Benefits?

The benefits of baby powder for adults to address skin problems.

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7 Cool Home Designs Without AC, Guaranteed to Make Comfortable and Not Hot

7 Cool Home Designs Without AC, Guaranteed to Make Comfortable and Not Hot

Inspiration for comfortable and cool home designs without having to use AC.

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Frequent Bending Causes Long-Term Pain, Doctor Shares Tricks to Reduce It

Frequent Bending Causes Long-Term Pain, Doctor Shares Tricks to Reduce It

The habit of bowing or bending can cause health problems that disrupt productivity. Prevent health problems by paying attention to several things.

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Portrait of DPR Ian, Korean Rapper Wearing Local Brand T-Shirt Worth Hundreds of Thousands

Portrait of DPR Ian, Korean Rapper Wearing Local Brand T-Shirt Worth Hundreds of Thousands

In the photo, the South Korean rapper is wearing a simple yet stylish black t-shirt from a local fashion brand, Erigo Apparel.

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Indulge Your Eyes in a Pop-up Store that Brings the Beach Atmosphere to the Bustle of the City

Indulge Your Eyes in a Pop-up Store that Brings the Beach Atmosphere to the Bustle of the City

Could be a spot for relaxing and enjoying the view for the upcoming weekend

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Tips for Choosing Comfortable and Stylish Footwear for Vacation

Tips for Choosing Comfortable and Stylish Footwear for Vacation

Even though it's just sandals, you can still look attractive with this footwear.

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Lose Weight in a Healthy Way, Check Out the Popular Banana Diet Rules in Japan

Lose Weight in a Healthy Way, Check Out the Popular Banana Diet Rules in Japan

The banana diet is said to help effectively lose weight, find out more!

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Milk Can Prevent Heart Disease, Make Sure to Drink It During the Day

Milk Can Prevent Heart Disease, Make Sure to Drink It During the Day

There is a specific reason why milk should be consumed during the day.

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A Cup of Hot Chocolate Can Help You Lose Weight, but There's a Condition

A Cup of Hot Chocolate Can Help You Lose Weight, but There's a Condition

Dear Dream friends, who would have thought that hot chocolate, which is often considered an enemy of a healthy diet, can actually help with weight loss.

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