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"Untidy Hair Making Bad Mood? Check out 5 Ways to Overcome it with Natural Ingredients"

"Tame tangled hair with this method"

Rambut Kusut Bikin Badmood? Intip 5 Cara Mengatasinya dengan Bahan Alami

Dream - Who doesn't want to have smooth and easy-to-style hair? Tangled and difficult-to-style hair can be an annoying matter.

Rambut Kusut Bikin Badmood? Intip 5 Cara Mengatasinya dengan Bahan Alami

But, don't worry! There is a simple solution to overcome tangled hair problems. Just use natural ingredients that are available in your home.

Rambut Kusut Bikin Badmood? Intip 5 Cara Mengatasinya dengan Bahan Alami

Let's take a peek at ways to control tangled hair with simple natural remedies, without having to spend a lot of money at the salon.

1. Coconut Oil with Fatty Acid Content

Coconut oil is not only for cooking, but also incredibly beneficial for taming tangled hair. The fatty acid content will penetrate the hair shaft, providing the necessary moisture and reducing tangled hair.

Rambut Kusut Bikin Badmood? Intip 5 Cara Mengatasinya dengan Bahan Alami

Apply warm coconut oil to the hair, leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing with a mild shampoo. Do this treatment once a week for best results.

2. Avocado: Natural Nutrition for Hair

"Not only delicious as food, avocados also have amazing benefits for taking care of your tangled hair. The fatty acids and vitamins in avocados provide nourishment to the hair, making it smoother and easier to manage. Crush ripe avocados and mix with one tablespoon of olive oil."

Rambut Kusut Bikin Badmood? Intip 5 Cara Mengatasinya dengan Bahan Alami

Apply this natural mask from root to tip of the hair, leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

3. Apple Vinegar for Stronger Cuticles

Tame tangled hair with apple cider vinegar. Mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar, then use it as the final rinse after shampooing. This helps to seal the hair cuticles, making the hair more resistant to tangles. Don't worry about the smell, as the vinegar scent will disappear once your hair is dry, Sahabat Dream.


4. Aloe Vera: The Secret of Natural Hydration

Aloe vera is not only a wound healer, but also a savior for your tangled hair, my friend Dream! Its hydrating properties help to care for softer and more manageable hair. Take fresh aloe vera gel and apply it to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with water.


5. Use a Silk Pillowcase

Who would have thought, your pillowcase can contribute to your hair mess, Sahabat Dream. Replace your cotton pillowcase with one made of silk. Silk creates less friction, reducing hair damage. Source: Boldsky.

Rambut Kusut Bikin Badmood? Intip 5 Cara Mengatasinya dengan Bahan Alami
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