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Menilik Fashion Simpel yang Memukau Rustini Murtadho, Istri Calon Wapres Cak Imin

Looking at Rustini Murtadho's Stunning Simple Fashion, Wife of Vice Presidential Candidate Cak Imin.

Reviewing Simple Fashion Rustini Murtadho, the Wife of Vice Presidential Candidate Cak Imin

Dream - The name Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin has attracted attention since he became the running mate of presidential candidate Anies Baswedan. Not only he himself is the center of attention, but his wife, Rustini Murtadho, is also not spared from the spotlight.

Reviewing Simple Fashion Rustini Murtadho, the Wife of Vice Presidential Candidate Cak Imin

In his personal Instagram account @rustinimutyadho, he often shares a number of social activities he engages in. Rustini often appears fashionable with simple clothing.

Look 1: Simple with Flower Design

Look 1: Simple with Flower Design

One of the eye-catching appearances is when Rustini wears a charming mint-colored top, adorned with beautiful flower motifs. The combination of bright pink, orange, and yellow flowers gives a unique elegance to this clothing.

Reviewing Simple Fashion Rustini Murtadho, the Wife of Vice Presidential Candidate Cak Imin

Combined with black pants, this look gives an elegant yet relaxed impression. To complete this style, Rustini chose a tosca-colored hijab that was perfectly matched. The overall appearance appears simple yet still exudes a charming charm.

Look 2: Tampil Manis dengan Warna Soft

Look 2: Look Sweet with Soft Colors

In another occasion, Rustini chose a soft oat-colored blouse with captivating red embroidery. This blouse is paired with mauve-colored culottes. This color combination gives a warm and eye-catching impression without being excessive.

Rustini chose a burgundy hijab to complete her overall appearance. This wife of Cak Imin once again successfully shows that fashionable style doesn't have to be complicated, yet still able to create an elegant impression.

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