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Survei Ungkap 76% Jomblo di Indonesia Merasa Kesepian, Kamu Termasuk?

"Survey Reveals 76% of Singles in Indonesia Feel Lonely, Are You Included?"

Dream - Perhaps some people feel that their lives are more peaceful without having a partner because they don't need to spend money on dates or other activities that can be done together. Nevertheless, some people can feel lonely because of this.

Survei Ungkap 76% Jomblo di Indonesia Merasa Kesepian, Kamu Termasuk?

Not having a partner can sometimes make someone lack space to share stories and experiences. It also prevents them from dividing attention differently towards friends, family, or other relatives. It's no wonder that many people feel lonely when they don't have a partner. A survey revealed the facts about the condition of singles in Indonesia, who apparently feel so lonely without a partner.

Survei Ungkap 76% Jomblo di Indonesia Merasa Kesepian, Kamu Termasuk?

From the press release received by Dream,, data from the Lunch Actually Annual Dating Survey in 2021 revealed that 76 percent of respondents who do not have a partner in Indonesia feel lonely.

Loneliness that is not immediately addressed can become chronic and lead to depression, anxiety, or sadness. That is why you must promptly address feelings of loneliness when experiencing them. Here are some things that can be a solution to loneliness.

Mencari <i>Support System</i>

"Searching for Support System"

Find a support system in your environment. Dream friends can search for communities or organizations that have similar thoughts or hobbies as you. This will keep you socially active.

"Preserving Digital Communication"

Stay in touch with your family and friends through your mobile phone amidst your busy schedule. Occasionally, make video calls to feel closer to them. You can also plan regular meetings if desired.

"Discover New Hobbies"

Discover new interests or hobbies that you haven't had the chance to explore before. You can also find someone or a community with similar interests to develop your skills.

"Self Love"

Criticism of oneself can occur when feeling lonely. Try to love and understand yourself or practice self-love as you normally do when communicating with others. If necessary, meditate regularly to make it easier for you to control your thoughts.

"Solo Traveling"

Solo traveling to new places can make you feel more calm and happy. Dream friends can meet new people and have exciting experiences. Going to the movies or restaurants alone can also be a fun me-time activity.

"Searching for Professional Assistance"

If you feel lonely constantly, especially if you experience physical symptoms, try consulting with professionals, such as psychologists or psychiatrists. By doing so, you can feel more calm and enjoy being alone.

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