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Tips Jitu Menjaga Kasur Tetap Bersih dari Bulu Hewan Peliharaan

"Effective Tips to Keep Your Mattress Clean from Pet Hair"

Tips Jitu Menjaga Kasur Tetap Bersih dari Bulu Hewan Peliharaan

Dream - Having a pet will certainly make your heart happy. Dream's friend will feel like having a playmate and not feel lonely when at home, especially if they are in the same bedroom as you.

Tips Jitu Menjaga Kasur Tetap Bersih dari Bulu Hewan Peliharaan

Need to know, if you choose to stay in a room with a pet, it will be harder for you to clean the room later, especially on the bed.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Animal fur that sticks can cause allergies, bacteria, and also germs. If left for too long, the fur will leave a lingering odor that is difficult to remove in your bedroom. Therefore, try to pay attention to the following things to keep the mattress clean."

1. Routine Bed Vacuuming

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The fur that sticks to the bedsheet and blanket will not be easily cleaned if you clean it as usual. You need a vacuum cleaner to remove the remaining fur that is in hard-to-reach places. Before using it, make sure the vacuum cleaner bag is empty, this is done for maximum fur absorption."


2. Prepare Replacement Bed Sheet

"Playing or sleeping together with pets too often will surely make it difficult to clean their fur. If you find it challenging or don't have time to clean and it keeps piling up, try preparing some replacement bed sheets. With this, you can save more time and still sleep comfortably with your pets."

Tips Jitu Menjaga Kasur Tetap Bersih dari Bulu Hewan Peliharaan

3. Wash Regularly

Try to increase the washing schedule and pay attention to the details so that all the fur on your bedsheet can be completely clean. Make sure the bedsheet and blanket are not washed together with other clothes to avoid contamination. Remember to clean the fur that has been filtered by the fiber trap, because your washing machine will be used for other clothes later.


4. Use Your Own Bed.

Although it is enjoyable to sleep with pets, it is not possible if you don't mind the hassle of cleaning up fur and odor. Try giving your pets their own sleeping place and train them to sleep there. With this, you can have more time that is not only used for cleaning them continuously.


5. Close the Bedroom Door

This option is the easiest way to prevent your bed from getting fur stuck on the bedsheet or blanket. You can do this if you are not someone who likes to sleep with your pets or if you want them to go out for a while. Report: Monica Alycia Mutiara/ Source:

Tips Jitu Menjaga Kasur Tetap Bersih dari Bulu Hewan Peliharaan
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