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Want to Track Someone's Location? Do These 4 Ways on Your Smartphone Without Getting Caught
Want to Track Someone's Location? Do These 4 Ways on Your Smartphone Without Getting Caught How to track someone using features on a smartphone without getting caught (Illustration Photo:

Dream - In this day and age, almost everyone has a smartphone. As time goes by, the features available on smartphones are becoming more advanced and helping human activities to be easier and faster.

One of the features you can use is the feature to track someone. For example, to track someone you are looking for and having difficulty finding. In addition, for Dream friends who have a partner and are worried about their whereabouts, you can also rely on this feature.

Especially if you already have suspicions about your partner cheating. Well, this feature is sophisticated enough to detect their whereabouts. Even your partner won't know that you are tracking them. In addition to using a smartphone, Dream friends can also use a laptop to use this feature.

Here are the ways to track someone's location using features on a smartphone as summarized by Dream from various sources.

How to Track Someone with Features on a Smartphone

How to Track Someone with Features on a Smartphone

WhatsApp Web Version

In this day and age, who doesn't use WhatsApp? Almost everyone uses it to communicate. Whether it's phone calls, chatting, video calls, sending photos, or sending documents. In addition, Dream friends can also take advantage of other features, namely the tracking feature.

Now, for Dream friends who want to track your partner's location, you must use WhatsApp Web. Here are the steps you can practice:

  1. Open the WhatsApp Web page at 
  2. Then, open the last message from your partner. Note that you must have exchanged messages for at least one day. If the message is several days old, then you cannot use this method.
  3. Make sure you have closed all applications except the browser for WhatsApp.
  4. Then, go to the Task Manager menu by right-clicking the Start logo on the taskbar and selecting Task Manager.
  5. When in Task Manager, press the Windows+R logo together, then type cmd. Then, press enter on the keyboard, then wait until the command prompt appears.
  6. After that, click netstat-ano and press enter on the keyboard.
  7. Later, you will get the IP address of the person who exchanged messages with you. You need to copy that IP and enter it into the IP tracer site at 

Google Find My Device

Dream friends who use an Android phone, surely your phone is equipped with a feature called Google Find My Device. With this feature, it is usually used for tracking. For example, if your phone is lost, stolen, or to track your partner's location. Dream friends don't need to worry because this feature is provided for free and won't be detected.

Here are the steps to use the Google Find My Device feature that Dream friends can try:

  1. First, open the page on your smartphone or laptop. Make sure that the Google account you want to track is the same as the one used on your phone.
  2. You can also download the app from the Play Store. Once downloaded, you can log in with the same Google account as the phone you want to track.
  3. Later, Dream friends can see a list of phones that can be tracked. Choose the device you want to track.
  4. If you have made a selection, look for the pin symbol on the map, which indicates the exact location of the phone you are looking for. When you click on the pin, it will be redirected to the Google Maps app to view the complete address of the location.
  5. Not only can you find out the location, but Dream friends can also see the remaining battery of the phone you are tracking.

How to Track Someone with Features on a Smartphone

Google Maps

Google Maps has long been used as a navigation tool. However, this feature can also be used by Dream friends to track someone. This is perfect for Dream friends who want to know where your partner is.

Here are the steps to use the Google Maps feature for tracking:

  1. First, Dream friends need to open the Google Maps app on the person's phone you want to track. Check if the GPS or location is active.
  2. If you are already on the main page of the app, click on the profile picture in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the 'location sharing' or 'share location' menu and choose 'share location'.
  4. Then select 'Until you turn this off'.
  5. Share the phone's location to your email address or phone number to track their movements.
  6. Once the process is complete, you can close the app.
  7. The location of the phone of the person you are tracking has been sent to you and you can check their movements with Google Maps.
  8. Open the link of Google Maps that has been shared through a browser on your laptop or phone.
  9. Now you can track the whereabouts of the person you are tracking.

Google Services

Google provides many conveniences to humans with its various features. One useful feature provided by Google is the tracking feature. You can track anyone using this feature, including your partner who hasn't been contacted for several days.

Instead of waiting for uncertain things, it's better to take the initiative to track through the Google app. Here are the steps:

  1. First, open the Google app on your smartphone.
  2. Click on the profile picture of your Google account in the upper right corner. Make sure that the Google account you want to track is already logged in.
  3. Then, select the Google account you want to track.
  4. Click on the profile picture of your Google account again in the upper right corner and select the 'Manage Your Google Account' menu.
  5. Then, select the 'Data & Privacy' menu.
  6. Next, find the 'After History' menu and select the 'Location History' menu. Once it opens, select the 'Manage History' menu.
  7. Dream friends can see a list of locations that have been visited in the past few days or on that day.

Those are some features on smartphones that Dream friends can use to track someone. Good luck and hope it's helpful.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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