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Scary! Horror Story of a Food Delivery Courier Returning Home at 2am, Suddenly the Motorcycle Becomes Heavy, When Looking at the Rearview Mirror...
Scary! Horror Story of a Food Delivery Courier Returning Home at 2am, Suddenly the Motorcycle Becomes Heavy, When Looking at the Rearview Mirror... Horror Story of a Food Delivery Courier Returning Home at 2am

Dream - Since working as a food delivery courier two years ago, a Malaysian man named Hasnan always comes home late at night.

Because he will end his bachelorhood in three months, Hasnan often comes home late to cover the lack of dowry money.

"After finishing college, I worked as a food courier. At that time, I was extravagant. I spent all my money on motorbike 'makeup' and didn't have time to save.

"Last month, my girlfriend asked me to get engaged and married. She said we've been dating for three years and she doesn't want our relationship to continue like this.

"She threatened to find another man if I'm not serious. I panicked and had to work hard to find wedding expenses," Hasnan said.

This man from Jenjarom, Selangor admitted that working as a food delivery courier is indeed exhausting. He only has Sundays to rest.

However, he had to collect 8,000 ringgit or around Rp26 million as his dowry.

But since the recent incident on Friday night, Hasnan has been feeling scared and terrified of working late at night.

Because, while returning from delivering food, Hasnan claimed to be 'disturbed' by a ghostly figure in the form of a pocong.

The story goes, at two in the morning, Hasnan was returning from delivering food. He was used to coming home in the morning, so he didn't feel scared at all.

Although from his current position in Cheras, the distance to his house is about 50 kilometers.

But for some reason, that night Hasnan felt extremely tired. He had been working non-stop since morning.

He only rested briefly and had a packet of bread for a meal. After that, he continued delivering food to earn money.

At that time, all that was on Hasnan's mind was to go home and sleep. But as he passed through a dark area without streetlights, suddenly his motorcycle felt heavy and the engine seemed to die.

"Why is this motorcycle acting up all of a sudden? It was fine earlier. Did it run out of oil or is the tire flat?" Hasnan asked himself without suspecting anything else.

While he was busy complaining to himself, suddenly his eyes were drawn to the rearview mirror and at that moment, he was petrified.

In the rearview mirror, he saw a scary figure of a pocong sitting behind him. The distance between him and the pocong was so close that Hasnan could see the creature's black face.

In a state of panic and fear, Hasnan could only recite verses from the Holy Quran and promised to regularly change the oil in his motorcycle because it was stuttering when passing through that dark road.

"When I saw that pocong, I trembled in fear. It felt like all the blood rushed to my head. My heart was pounding so fast it felt like it was going to explode.

"I was mumbling the verses that I memorized. Even though the recitation was jumbled, I still recited them loudly," he recalled.

However, his efforts were in vain. Hasnan finally shouted as loudly as he could to the pocong ghost to get off his motorcycle and not bother him anymore.

"Don't bother me! I'm tired of looking for money for my wedding. I don't have what you want!" Hasnan shouted, trying to drive away the pocong ghost.

Only after passing through the dark area for almost five minutes, the motorcycle ridden by Hasnan started running fast again.

However, Hasnan didn't look back and continued riding until he arrived home. Upon arriving home, Hasnan tried to calm himself down.

He gathered his strength after going through such a terrifying experience. After that, his desire to work late at night no longer continued.

Hasnan then remembered the old stories about that dark area. Allegedly, a fatal accident once occurred in that area.

"I heard stories about someone who had an accident and died near that place. But that story was a long time ago.

"They said that the victim's left index finger was severed and the family couldn't find it.

"In the end, the victim was buried in an 'imperfect' condition. Maybe the pocong disturbance in that area is related to that accident," he said.

Source: mStar

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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