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Turns out, this is the face of Pharaoh in the time of Prophet Moses, the Pharaoh of Egypt who drowned in the Red Sea
Turns out, this is the face of Pharaoh in the time of Prophet Moses, the Pharaoh of Egypt who drowned in the Red Sea Turns out, this is the face of Pharaoh in the time of Prophet Moses, the Pharaoh of Egypt who drowned in the Red Sea (doc.Liverpool John Moores University)

Dream - A group of British scientists have successfully reconstructed the face of Pharaoh Ramses II, the most powerful ancient Egyptian king 3,200 years ago, who is said to have lived in the time of Prophet Moses.

The face of the most powerful Pharaoh in ancient Egypt has been depicted for the first time in 3,000 years.

This reconstruction was made possible by the success of a team from Liverpool John Moores University who collaborated with colleagues from Egypt to capture the appearance of the king at the time of his death.

Turns out, this is the face of Pharaoh in the time of Prophet Moses

They used a 3D model of Ramses II's skull to reconstruct the features on his face.

"We took a computer tomography (CT) skull model, which gave us a 3D skull shape that we could import into our computer system. Then we had a pre-model face anatomy database that we imported and then modified to fit the skull," said Caroline Wilkinson, Director of the Face Lab at Liverpool John Moores, as quoted from Express.

Turns out, this is the face of Pharaoh in the time of Prophet Moses

The scientists reconstructed the face of Ramses II from the surface of the skull to the surface of the face, through muscle structure and fat layers, and down to the skin layer.

In the scientific process, Wilkinson revealed the challenges they faced.

"The difficult part for us is what happens after the shape, so all the information about skin color, blemishes, wrinkles, hair color, and eye color," she said.

Turns out, this is the face of Pharaoh in the time of Prophet Moses

"So we know that about 70 percent of the face reconstruction surface has errors of less than 2mm, in terms of shape," she said.

According to Saleem, this reconstruction is the only scientific reconstruction of Ramses II's face based on CT scans of his original mummy.

This project is the second one supervised by Saleem after the scientific reconstruction of Tutankhamun's face completed by royal sculptor Christian Corbet.

Report: Erdyandra Tri Sandiva

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