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Makanan Pedas Aman Buat Ibu Hamil, Mitos atau Fakta?

Spicy Food Safe for Pregnant Women, Myth or Fact?

"Please pay attention to the following explanation."

Spicy Food Dangerous for Pregnant Women, Myth or Fact?

Dream - When pregnant, mothers tend to be extra careful in maintaining their health. Choosing food becomes more selective. One common question that arises is "Is it safe to consume spicy food during pregnancy?"

Actually, pregnant women are allowed to consume spicy food. Mothers can still enjoy the sensation of the spiciness of the food without having to worry about the impact on pregnancy. However, pregnant women should still be wise in consuming spicy food because every pregnancy condition is different. What may be good for one pregnant woman may not be suitable for another.

"There is no evidence to suggest that consuming moderate amounts of spicy food poses a significant risk to a developing fetus."
According to Shandra Scruggs, a delivery nurse and Founder of Simply Birthed.


Reasons Pregnant Women Crave Spicy Food

A study shows that about 50-90% of pregnant women experience specific cravings at some point. The craving for spicy food is not related to any specific health issues. Therefore, pregnant mothers do not need to worry if they still consume spicy food within reasonable limits.

Alasan Ibu Hamil Mengidam Makanan Pedas<br>

"Actually, by consuming spicy food during pregnancy, mothers can also get several benefits. Curious about what they are?"

Spicy Food Dangerous for Pregnant Women, Myth or Fact?
1. Mengenalkan Rasa Baru pada Bayi

1. Introducing New Taste to Babies

By trying spicy food during pregnancy, it can stimulate the baby to accept that taste in the future.

2. Improving Immune System

Other benefits of consuming spicy food are strengthening the immune system due to its anti-inflammatory properties. One example is capsaicin, which gives the spicy taste to chili peppers.

2. Improving Immune System

Research also shows that spicy food can help lower bad cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Spicy Food Dangerous for Pregnant Women, Myth or Fact?

Side Effects of Consuming Spicy Food

Consuming excessive spicy food during pregnancy can have several side effects on pregnant women as follows:
1. Indigestion and Acid Reflux
During pregnancy, all organs in the body will shift to make room for the growing uterus. Hormonal changes can weaken the valve that separates the stomach and esophagus, thus increasing the risk of indigestion worsened by spicy food.

2. The Stomach Feels Uncomfortable. Excessive spicy food can also make the stomach feel uncomfortable, such as causing the digestive system to slow down, which eventually triggers digestive disorders such as diarrhea and gas. 3. Nausea. Nausea in the morning is uncomfortable to experience during pregnancy. In some pregnancies, consuming spicy food can make the nausea even more uncomfortable. "If you feel discomfort, it is better to reduce intake or avoid it altogether," added Scruggs.

Spicy Food Can Trigger Labor

Actually, spicy food doesn't really help with labor. "Consuming spicy food, especially in larger quantities, can cause digestive irritation resulting in stomach cramps, similar to contractions," said Aneesh Chawla, an Obstetrician quoted from The Parents.

Makanan Pedas Bisa Memicu Persalinan<br>

However, a study of 201 pregnant women revealed that 50% of them gave birth naturally, and 11% of them used spicy food as a way to induce contractions naturally. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source:

Spicy Food Dangerous for Pregnant Women, Myth or Fact?
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