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Catat, Pelunasan Biaya Haji Dibuka Mulai 9 Januari 2024

Note, Hajj Fee Payment Opens Starting January 9, 2024.

Catat, Pelunasan Biaya Haji Dibuka Mulai 9 Januari 2024

Announced by the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Menag RI) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas that the payment of regular hajj fees for 1445 H/2024 M will be opened soon. Announced by the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Menag RI) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas that the payment of regular hajj fees for 1445 H/2024 M will be opened soon.

Repayment will begin on January 9, 2024. The Government and Commission VIII of the DPR have agreed on the cost of the Implementation of Hajj (BPIH) 1445 H/2024 M, averaging IDR 93.4 million. Meanwhile, the average cost of the Hajj Travel Expenses (Bipih) 2024 that must be paid by pilgrims is IDR 56.04 million.

Catat, Pelunasan Biaya Haji Dibuka Mulai 9 Januari 2024

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Prospective Hajj Pilgrims are Allowed to Pay in Installments."

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Minister of Religious Affairs explained that prospective Hajj pilgrims are now allowed to pay in installments even though the full payment has not officially opened. This decision was made to provide convenience for the Hajj pilgrims in paying the Hajj Travel Cost (Bipih) that must be paid."

The Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) is currently in the process of issuing a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding the Cost of Hajj (BPIH) for the year 2024.

According to Gus Men, this Presidential Regulation will regulate the Hajj Travel Cost (Bipih) that must be paid by pilgrims based on the embarkation of departure.


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Payment of Hajj Travel Expenses (Bipih) Will Be Done in Two Stages."

Gus Men explained that the payment for the Hajj Travel Fee (Bipih) for regular pilgrims will be done in two stages. The first stage of payment will begin from January 9th to February 7th, 2024, while the second stage of payment will be opened from February 20th to March 2024.

The Director General of Hajj and Umrah Services (PHU) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Hilman Latif, added that the first stage of payment can be made by pilgrims who meet the following criteria: 1. Regular Hajj pilgrims according to the sequential number of departure quota 1445 H/2024 M. 2. Regular Hajj pilgrims who are included in the priority for the elderly. 3. Regular Hajj pilgrims who are in the order of reserve quota number.

Meanwhile, for the second stage of payment for pilgrims who meet the following requirements:
1. Pilgrims who experience system constraints or payment failures in the first stage of payment.
2. Companions for elderly pilgrims.
3. Pilgrims who combine their spouse/children and separated parents.
4. Companions for pilgrims with disabilities.

"Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Hajj of Saudi Arabia Discuss the Preparation Plan for Hajj 2024."

The Minister of Religion of Indonesia, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas or commonly known as Gus Men, expresses gratitude to the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia, Taufiq F Al Rabiah, for providing a hajj quota of 221,000 and an additional 20,000, making the total hajj quota for Indonesia in the year 1445 H/2024 M reach 241,000 pilgrims.

Gus Men also expresses gratitude for the increase in the allocation of the hajj officers' quota for 2024, from the initial 2,100 people to 4,421 people. However, he emphasizes that this number is still insufficient compared to the number of Indonesian hajj pilgrims that need to be served.

 "I also propose increasing the quota of Hajj officers to improve the quality of service. Hopefully, this proposal will also receive approval from the Saudi Minister of Hajj," he said.

<b>Membicarakan Penempatan Jemaah pada Rangkaian Ibadah Masyair.</b><br>

"Discussing the Placement of Pilgrims in the Series of Masyair Worship."

"In the meeting, Gus Men emphasized that the certainty of the plan for the placement of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in Masyair is crucial to overcome the potential congestion, especially with the addition of global quotas including an additional 20,000 quotas for Indonesia."

"The important placement plan is to ensure that pilgrims performing the Hajj in the year 1445 H/2024 M are well served. We also convey this to the Saudi Hajj Ministry. I also propose facilities and priority services for disabled and elderly Hajj pilgrims in the Hajj season of 1445 H/2024 M,"
- Gus Men, Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Menag RI)


The Ministry of Religious Affairs also requested support for the policy from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia to ensure that the pilgrims are placed in Arafah and Mina tents. This is aimed at preventing the recurrence of incidents where pilgrims occupy tents outside of the agreed plan.

"The Ministry of Religious Affairs also proposed a reduction in the special hajj service formula by the consortium of hajj travel companies and their associations, from 2,000 pilgrims to 1,000 pilgrims," Gus Men emphasized.

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