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Jokowi: Presidential Election 2024 Calm and Cool, Very Different from 2014 and 2019

Jokowi: Presidential Election 2024 Calm and Cool, Very Different from 2014 and 2019

Jokowi: Pilpres 2024 Adem-Adem Aja, Sangat Jauh dengan 2014 dan 2019

Dream - President Joko Widodo or Jokowi said that the heated atmosphere of the 2024 presidential debate only occurs among politicians. According to him, the people in the villages and regions are actually facing the 2024 presidential election calmly.

"If you read social media, watch TV, or engage in political debates, it seems like the atmosphere is heated, it seems like. But if you, Sir/Madam, go down to the community, village, or regions, you can feel that the people are relaxed."

clear Jokowi in the Outlook of the Indonesian Economy event at the St Regis Hotel Jakarta, Friday, December 22, 2023, quoted from


"Yes, that's right, try going to the village, go to the area. The people are just relaxing,"
continue Jokowi.


Pilpres 2024 is very different from the two previous periods.

According to Jokowi, the atmosphere of the 2024 Presidential Election feels calm. The former Governor of DKI compared it to the atmosphere of the previous two periods of the Presidential Election, which were in 2014 and 2019, which were more heated.


"Actually, the politics is quite calm. I think it is very far compared to 2014 and 2019. It's very different."
"ujar Jokowi" translates to "said Jokowi" in English.


Jokowi: Pilpres 2024 Adem-Adem Aja, Sangat Jauh dengan 2014 dan 2019

According to Jokowi, this calm condition indicates that the Indonesian society has matured in politics. He explained that the divided society can unite again.

"Meaning that our society is politically mature. What is heated can be cooled down quickly and what is divided slightly can unite again."
Jokowi's speech.


Jokowi: Pilpres 2024 Adem-Adem Aja, Sangat Jauh dengan 2014 dan 2019

Therefore, he asked entrepreneurs not to worry about the political situation in Indonesia because the atmosphere that is happening is calm. In addition, Jokowi is also optimistic about welcoming 2024.

"My optimism in 2024 is also based on the political situation. I know these entrepreneurs are waiting for the political situation. Some are also nervous approaching the Elections, especially approaching the Presidential Election. I emphasize that there is nothing to worry about,""
"pungkasnya" translates to "concluded."


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