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Reading Prayer for Beloved Mother that Every Child Should Practice

Reading Prayer for Beloved Mother that Every Child Should Practice

Reading prayers for our beloved mother is a form of appreciation that is very important in the teachings of every religion.

"Dream - Prayer readings for beloved mothers should be offered every day. Because a mother is an invaluable figure in our lives. Her presence always brings warmth, love, and sincere prayers for her children. As children, offering prayers for our beloved mother is a form of utmost respect in the teachings of every religion."

Prayer Reading for Beloved Mother that Every Child Needs to Practice

Prayers that we offer for our mother not only show our love for her, but also become a highly valued practice by Allah SWT. A collection of prayers for our beloved mother holds deep meaning and reflects the close relationship between a child and their mother.

This article, we will discuss a collection of prayers for our beloved mother so that we can better understand and appreciate the meaning of these prayers. Hopefully, this collection of prayers can serve as a guide for us to always love, respect, and pray for our dear mother wholeheartedly.

Prayer Reading for Beloved Mother that Every Child Needs to Practice

1. Prayer for Beloved Mother

Prayer for our beloved mother contains the meaning of the importance of respect and prayer for both of our parents, both mother and father. May we always be given the strength to always love, respect, and pray for both of them, especially our mother. Here is the prayer that Sahabat Dream needs to raise:


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَلْوَالِدَيَّ وَارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا
"Allahummaghfirli waliwalidayya warhamhuma kama rabbayani saghiraa" translates to "O Allah, forgive me and my parents, and have mercy on them as they raised me when I was young."

Translated: "It means: 'O Allah, forgive me and my parents, and show them love as they have shown me when I was little.'"


2. Prayer for Beloved Mother

بياي الهي العيَني العيَكي, الهيمَ اعيََ لَامي وَاهي وَاهي الِالي وَىي الكياي, وَاهي الِالي وَاهي الثيًي وَلي البيلي, وَني الجيُي, وَوي اَقيلي نيدي, وَني الحيَلي, وَني الطيَّ الخياي, وَاهي الجيَني, وَاهي البيعي, وَاهي الليمي, وَاهي التيبيري, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي البياي, وَاهي الأيتيري, وَاهي الايدي, وَاهي التيِيةي بيلي وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي الثيًي وَلي البياي, وَاهي الكياي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِيةي, وَاهي الأيبياي, وَاهي الديَوي, وَاهي التيِي


"Latin Reading"

Bismillāhir-Raḥmānir-Raḥīm, O Allah, forgive my mother and have mercy on her, and grant her success and pardon her. Honor her arrival and expand her entrance. Wash her with water, snow, and hail, and cleanse her from sins and faults as a white garment is cleansed from dirt. Replace her home with a better home and her family with a better family. Enter her into Paradise without reckoning or punishment, by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

Translation: "Meaning: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. O Allah, forgive my mother and bestow your mercy upon her. Protect her, forgive her mistakes, and honor her dwelling place. Expand her entrance, cleanse it with water, snow, and dew, purify it from sins and faults, like pure white cloth from dirt. Grant her a better home than her current one, a better family than her current one, and admit her into paradise without any accountability or prior punishment. With your mercy, O Lord, the Most Merciful."

3. Prayer for Dearest Mother

"O Allah, the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful, bestow Your mercy and blessings upon my beloved mother. Forgive all her sins and mistakes that she has ever committed and accept all her good deeds and prayers. Guide her in every step of her life, protect her health, and provide her with abundant sustenance. Grant her happiness, peace, and blessings in every aspect of her life."

"O Allah, grant my mother strength in facing every trial and test. Protect her from all diseases and calamities. Grant her patience and perseverance in carrying out her duties and responsibilities as a mother. O Allah, bestow upon my mother happiness in this world and the hereafter. Accept every prayer that comes from her heart with Your love and compassion. Make my mother someone who is always close to You and beloved by You. Amen."

Prayer Reading for Beloved Mother that Every Child Needs to Practice

This is a collection of prayers for beloved mothers that Sahabat Dream can recite every day, especially when celebrating Mother's Day. May Allah SWT always bestow safety, protection, and blessed sustenance with the above prayers.

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