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Momen Mahasiswa Shock Dapat Nilai Ujian Komprehensif 100, Cuma Bisa Melongo

The moment when students are shocked to receive a perfect score of 100 on the comprehensive exam, they can only gape in astonishment.

Dream - Graduating with cum laude predicate may not be something that all students dream of. Some students are already happy if they can graduate without the cum laude distinction.

This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'

However, at least the success stories of students who graduate with cumlaude predicate become an inspiration for many people. In addition to graduating cumlaude, getting a perfect score during the comprehensive exam is also an impressive achievement for students. Even though the level is still below graduating cumlaude, the score on the comprehensive exam is also very crucial in continuing studies.

This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Comprehensive exams are tests to assess students' ability to understand the subjects they are studying. For students, comprehensive exams are one of the nerve-wracking moments, just like thesis exams."

It is not uncommon for students to feel stressed and pressured when facing comprehensive exams, commonly abbreviated as kompre exams. However, for those who have discipline and strong determination, they will surely achieve good grades in the kompre exams. Just like the experience of a student in the video uploaded by the Instagram account @abouthetic below.

In the 19-second video, a male student is seen standing in the middle of the comprehensive exam room. The room is also filled with other students who are taking the exam on that day. The male student appears to show a tense and nervous facial expression.

This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'
This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'

Understandably, at that time he was waiting for the announcement of the comprehensive exam scores that he had just passed. A face full of nervous expressions was also seen on other fellow students.

"Dapat Nilai Ujian Komprehensif yang Sempurna" translates to "Achieved a Perfect Comprehensive Exam Score" in English.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The sound of a man reading out the results of the comprehensive examination session can be heard. 'The score for the comprehensive session... One hundred!' said the man who read out the exam scores. Upon hearing the word 'one hundred', the male student was shocked and half in disbelief."

This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'
Mata Melotot, Mulut Membulat

Mata Melotot, Mulut Membulat translates to "Eyes Wide Open, Mouth Round" in English.

His mouth formed a circle as if screaming 'Wooowww' but it got stuck in his throat.

The same expression was also shown by other fellow students. They were also very surprised to hear about the perfect comprehensive exam score. Without waiting long, the comprehensive exam room was filled with applause.

This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'
This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'

However, the expression of surprise shown by the male student and his friends continues to adorn the room.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The male student then clasped his hands and expressed gratitude for achieving a perfect comprehensive exam score."

Later, the identity of the male student was known. It turns out his name is Aldivia Alfariq. He is a student majoring in Communication Science at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten.

This Banten Student Is Shocked and Can Only Stare in Awe When Receiving a Perfect 100 Comprehensive Exam Grade, Netizens: 'Borrow a Hundred, Dude!'
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