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Restoran Sate Ini Dikenal Legendaris Selama 90 Tahun, Pas Tahu Rahasianya Auto Mual, Wadah Saus Tak Dicuci Selama 60 Tahun

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Satay Restaurant Known as Legendary for 90 Years, Once You Know the Secret, It Will Make You Feel Sick, Sauce Container Not Washed for 60 Years."

Dream - Every restaurant has its own distinctive feature, which is often hidden in the preparation and recipe that becomes their secret. This secret recipe is what will ultimately give the food a unique or distinctive taste. Usually, these recipes come from family heritage or culinary experiences, becoming an important element that sets one restaurant apart from another. Just like the restaurants in Japan that have their secret seasoning in their satay.

This Satay Restaurant is Known as Legendary for 90 Years, Just Knowing the Secret Makes You Sick, Sauce Container Not Washed for 60 Years

The restaurant known as Abe Chan in Tokyo is currently attracting public attention. The restaurant, located in the shopping area of Azabu Juban, suddenly gained significant attention after being covered by one of the local television stations there.

"Secret Restaurant"

Based on the coverage, the secret behind why his satay is delicious and famous is revealed. Apparently, it is related to the use of sauce that is stored in a container that has never been cleaned for more than 60 years.

This Satay Restaurant is Known as Legendary for 90 Years, Just Knowing the Secret Makes You Sick, Sauce Container Not Washed for 60 Years

The container of the sauce is large. It is surrounded by hardened drops of satay sauce that have become crusty because they have not been washed for decades.

"Becoming the Key to Cooking"

Translated from Bahasa to English, while preserving any HTML tags: "According to Oddity Central, the restaurant owner, Abe, confirmed that the sauce container has never been washed for 60 years. Nevertheless, it is the drops and crusty sauce layer that is considered to enhance the deliciousness of his satay. Instead of cleaning the container, the staff at Abe Chan actually pours the sauce back into the container. The goal is to ensure that the taste and aroma of the fresh sauce remain delicious."

This Satay Restaurant is Known as Legendary for 90 Years, Just Knowing the Secret Makes You Sick, Sauce Container Not Washed for 60 Years

Although the appearance of the container seems dirty and even disgusting, Abe admits that this container is very valuable. He even puts it next to the grill.

Telah Ada Sejak 1933

Telah Ada Sejak 1933

It is known, this restaurant has been established since 1933 by the current restaurant owner's grandfather. At that time, the sauce container already existed, and a tradition emerged of not cleaning this satay sauce container for up to three generations.

This Satay Restaurant is Known as Legendary for 90 Years, Just Knowing the Secret Makes You Sick, Sauce Container Not Washed for 60 Years

Health experts also have opinions about the potential dangers caused by the sauce container. One of them stated that, if the sauce is heated for long enough, it should kill the bacteria present there.

This coverage has triggered various opinions from netizens, including those who support Abe Chan restaurant by praising the delicious food and pork satay served. They stated that they have never experienced any health problems after eating at the restaurant. Some netizens are also concerned that the crusty sauce container may contain bacteria and potentially contaminate the food. Facing this controversy, Abe Chan restaurant decided to uphold their tradition and continue using the sauce container. However, there are rumors saying that Abe Chan has washed the sauce container for the first time.

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