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Zulfikli Hasan took a photo of the moment when meeting Gibran Rakabuming:

Zulfikli Hasan took a photo of the moment when meeting Gibran Rakabuming: "Bismillah, Mas Wali".

Dream - Arrival of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Jakarta has attracted public attention. Because it is suspected that he will become the vice presidential candidate of Prabowo Subianto along with the Indonesian Forward Coalition.

Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'
Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'

When arriving in Jakarta, Gibran also took the time to visit the residence of the Chairman of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan. This was revealed through an Instagram post.

Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'

Zulfikli Hasan uploaded three photos that show his moments of closeness with Jokowi's eldest son.

Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'
Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'

The first photo shows Zulhas shaking hands with Gibran Rakabuming in a traditional-themed room, complete with batik clothing worn.

Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'

In the second and third photos, Gibran can be seen giving permission to leave for the next agenda.

Zulhas considers Gibran's arrival at his residence as a form of silaturahmi. He also wrote a caption that hinted something about Jokowi's son.

Zulfikli Hasan Pajang Foto Momen Bertemu Gibran Rakabuming: 'Bismillah Mas Wali'

"In order for Indonesia to continue to progress, the bond of togetherness must not be broken. Bismillah mas Wali,"

write Zulhas in his post.

This post certainly triggers various comments from netizens who see it. "Gibran's strong code as Prabowo's representative," said the account ananda_s_ananda. "Gas pol gibran vice president prabowo," wrote the account fariz.rm.1. "If Gibran really doesn't choose Prabowo, I won't either," responded the account rizalba_. "Gas mas gibran, if it's for the country and nation, why not!!!" said the account aguszebrag16.

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