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Make Soft Homemade Cakwe with Only 6 Ingredients

Make Soft Homemade Cakwe with Only 6 Ingredients

Making Soft Cakwe at Home with Only 6 Ingredients

Dream - Street food always becomes a favorite of many people. Not only delicious and unique, but the price is also very affordable. No wonder many people miss local snacks when they are difficult to find or when they are abroad.

One of the street snacks that many people like is cakwe. The dough is soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, with a sweet and savory taste, served warm, it will truly indulge your taste buds. Can't find any cakwe sellers around your house? You can try the recipe for soft cakwe from Culinary Content Creator, Inawati Suwanto. It's not too difficult to make, my friend.


300 grams medium protein flour3 grams baking soda6 grams baking powder1/2 teaspoon salt1 egg130 ml water15 grams butter

"How to Make Soft Homemade Cakwe"

Step 1: Mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, eggs, water, and butter. Stir well. You can use your hands to distribute it evenly for convenience. After that, let the dough sit for 5 minutes.

<b>Cara Membuat Cakwe Empuk Rumahan</b>
<b>Langkah 2</b>

"Step 2"

Knead the dough that has been mixed for 5 minutes using your hands and sprinkle a little flour to prevent it from sticking. After that, wrap the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 2 hours at room temperature or overnight in the refrigerator.

"Step 3"

Knead the dough using a rolling pin and cut it into several long pieces. Use chopsticks to give texture in the middle part of the cakwe. Stack two cakwe doughs and press the middle part again with chopsticks.

<b>Langkah 4</b><br>

"Step 4"

Pour cooking oil into a frying pan and heat it. When the oil is really hot, fry the cakwe until it expands and is cooked perfectly. The stacked dough will make the cakwe more tender and delicious.

Serve cakwe with sweet and sour sauce that has a liquid texture to make it taste more delicious. This snack is very suitable to be enjoyed as a snack after lunch or in the afternoon. Cakwe is also suitable for children and adults to eat.

Making Soft Cakwe at Home with Only 6 Ingredients
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