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Resep Dadar Gulung Coklat Isi Pisang, Camilan Legit yang Memikat

Recipe for Chocolate-filled Banana Rolled Pancake, Tempting Delicious Snack

Recipe for Chocolate-filled Banana Rolled Pancake, a Snack that Warms up the Weekend

Dream - Traditional snacks always make the desire to snack call out. Its attractive appearance and delicious taste make it very hard to resist. One of the tempting traditional snacks is dadar gulung cokelat, which has a sweet flavor.

Recipe for Chocolate-filled Banana Rolled Pancake, a Snack that Warms up the Weekend

One variant of dadar gulung that cannot be missed is the one filled with bananas and sprinkled with chocolate. This menu combines delicious taste and tempting texture. Let's take a peek at the recipe.

Recipe for Simple Chocolate Rolled Pancake.

Skin Ingredients: 250 grams of medium protein flour, 2 eggs, 550 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of chocolate paste, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 30 ml of vegetable oil, Sufficient amount of Raja bananas, Grated cheese, Candied cherries

Recipe for Chocolate-filled Banana Rolled Pancake, a Snack that Warms up the Weekend

Ingredients Chocolate Custard: 50 grams of chocolate bar 1 tablespoon of flour (dissolved in a little water) 70 grams of sweetened condensed chocolate milk 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar 200 ml of boiled water

"How to Make Chocolate Banana Filled Rolled Pancake"

First, make chocolate custard. Mix chocolate bars, condensed milk, granulated sugar, and water. Cook until boiling, then pour in the flour mixture. Stir until thickened, remove from heat and let it cool. Then make the pandan crepe skin. Mix flour, eggs, granulated sugar, salt, water, vegetable oil, and chocolate paste. Stir until the batter is smooth and not lumpy.

Recipe for Chocolate-filled Banana Rolled Pancake, a Snack that Warms up the Weekend

Heat the teflon pan that has been lightly greased with a small amount of margarine over low heat. Then, pour one spoonful of vegetable batter thinly onto the entire surface of the teflon pan. Make thin and even pancakes. Lift the pancake after it is cooked and set aside. Repeat this process until all the batter is used. Prepare sliced bananas according to preference or soften them for filling. Set aside first. Take one pancake skin at a time, then fill it with chocolate custard and banana slices. Roll the pancake skin neatly. Repeat until all the pancake skins are used.

Recipe for Chocolate-filled Banana Rolled Pancake, a Snack that Warms up the Weekend

Prepare a serving plate, arrange the already made rolled omelette on top. Sprinkle with cheese and cherries on top. To add a variation of taste, you can add chocolate milk for decoration on top. Guaranteed, the taste of the rolled omelette will be even more delicious. Serve as a companion while watching Korean dramas or as a companion for drinking tea with family. Source: Diadona.

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