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5 Tips Making Sambal Petis, Spicy Shrimp Aroma that is Anti-Amis

5 Tips Making Sambal Petis, Spicy Shrimp Aroma that is Anti-Amis

5 Tips to Make Delicious Spicy Shrimp Petis

Dream - Sambal petis is famous for its distinctive and savory shrimp flavor. It is made from shrimp paste, chili, and other spices. Usually, this sambal is used as a condiment or flavor enhancer for various fried foods.

Making sambal petis is actually not difficult. You just need to prepare simple ingredients to enhance its taste. Most people are lazy to process it because of the strong fishy smell in petis. Want to make it yourself, let's find out the tricks to make it not fishy and taste delicious.

5 Tips to Make Delicious Spicy Shrimp Petis

1. Pay Attention to the Materials Used

Make sure that Dream friends use quality and fresh ingredients. Choose shrimp paste that is still in good condition to avoid unpleasant fishy smell. Ingredients: 250 grams of shrimp paste, 7 pieces of bird's eye chili, 2 pieces of lime, 100 grams of garlic, 250 ml of water, brown sugar, salt.


2. Fry the Garlic First

"Before use, slice and fry the garlic until browned. These fried onions will enhance the aroma and flavor of the sambal, as well as help reduce the fishy smell."


3. Cook with Low Heat

After sautéing the ground spices, add water and cook over low heat. This process helps the petis to dissolve perfectly without burning, resulting in a sambal with a rich flavor.


4. Give Lime Juice Squeeze

Add lime juice to provide a fresh and refreshing taste to the sambal. This also helps reduce the strong fishy odor in petis.

5 Tips to Make Delicious Spicy Shrimp Petis

5. Stir the Sambal Petis until the Water Reduces.

During the boiling process, add salt and brown sugar according to taste. Stir until the water reduces and the sambal thickens, so that it can be stored for a long period of time without losing its flavor.


6. Use Maizena Flour

"Friends of Dream can add cornstarch to make the texture of sambal thicker. Stir continuously until it thickens before serving or storing. Source:"

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