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Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki

Mushroom Cream Sauce Recipe ala Restaurant from Doctor Chef

Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki

"Dream - Mushroom sauce or mushroom sauce is often sought for pouring over steak, dipping bread, or mixing with pasta. This savory and creamy sauce is indeed very delicious and easy to combine with many dishes."

Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki

"Especially when the tongue wants to savor food with a savory taste. Usually served in steak restaurants or places that serve Italian-style dishes."

Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki

"To make this sauce is actually quite simple and you can stock it at home. When you want to eat it with creamy mushroom sauce, just warm it up."

Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki

If you want to make it yourself at home, you can follow the recipe from Mike Herawati, a dentist who is also the author of the recipe book "MAKANAN PO SABAR" (PATIENT FOOD), owner of the Instagram account @dokterkoki.


10-14 pieces of fresh button mushrooms, washed, sliced 1/2 onion, diced 1-2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 tablespoon of flour 250ml full cream UHT milk 50ml liquid whipping cream/cooking cream (not powdered) Salt, pepper, and sugar to taste Mushroom broth to taste 1/2 teaspoon of powdered parsley

"How to make:"

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Iris jamur memanjang atau sesuai seleraPanaskan sedikit minyak/margarin, setelah panas lalu masukkan irisan jamurMasak hingga jamur berubah warna (menghitam dan berair) ini supaya tak bau languMasukkan bawang bombay dan bawang putih, tumis hingga harum" "Iris mushroom lengthwise or according to taste. Heat a little oil/margarine, then add sliced mushrooms. Cook until the mushrooms change color (turn black and watery) to avoid a musty smell. Add onions and garlic, sauté until fragrant."

Enter the flour, stir quickly, add UHT milk, stir well. Add whip cream, cook until done and thickened. Add salt, pepper, sugar, and broth seasoning, taste and adjust. If you want to add creamy texture and savory taste, you can add grated cheddar cheese or parmesan as desired. Mushroom sauce can be poured directly on top of steak, pasta, or used as a dip for bread.

Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki
Racikan Mushroom Cream Sauce ala Restoran dari Dokter Koki

When it is freshly cooked, the sauce will appear thin but it will thicken when it cools down. If it is stored in the refrigerator, it will thicken even more.

"When you want to eat it, simply dilute it by cooking it again over low heat and add milk. Good luck trying it at home, Dream friends."

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