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"Jenuh dan Monoton dengan Pekerjaan Lama, Alumni UGM Ini Ternyata Pemilik Resto Solaria" translates to "Bored and Monotonous with the Old Job, This UGM Alumni Turns Out to be the Owner of Solaria Restaurant" in English.

Dream - Solaria is one of the dining places that is not unfamiliar to be found in shopping centers or malls. After getting tired of walking around the mall, Solaria often becomes the choice to fill an empty stomach. The menus served at this restaurant are very familiar to the Indonesian people's taste buds. Such as seafood fried rice, chicken stir-fried flat noodles, chicken cordon bleu, buttered chicken rice, and Fuyunghai.


Owner of Solaria Restaurant

"Owner of Solaria Restaurant"

However, do you know who is the owner of the restaurant that becomes the mainstay when you want to eat together with your family?

Bored and Monotonous with Old Job, This UGM Alumni Turns Out to be the Owner of Solaria Restaurant

The owner of Solaria restaurant is apparently an entrepreneur named Aliuyanto. The man who decided to venture into the culinary world is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in 1985.

"Alumni UGM"

Quoting the Universitas Gadjah Mada website, after completing his Bachelor's degree in Economics, Aliuyanto worked at a private company for 5 years. In 1991, Aliuyanto decided to resign from his job because he chose to seriously pursue a culinary business.

Bored and Monotonous with Old Job, This UGM Alumni Turns Out to be the Owner of Solaria Restaurant

The decision was made because he was already feeling tired of being an employee who only did repetitive routines. In addition to monotonous activities, the profession he was pursuing at that time did not have challenges to develop his potential within himself.

"Trying Culinary Business"

Although so, he realizes that starting a business is not easy. The money collected during 5 years of work is not enough as capital for the business. However, his determination to become an entrepreneur does not fade. Culinary business was not initially a choice, especially since Aliuyanto himself admitted that he did not have a hobby of cooking. "Everything flows. What he gets is also unexpected," he said.

Bored and Monotonous with Old Job, This UGM Alumni Turns Out to be the Owner of Solaria Restaurant

Starting a restaurant business in 1991, the restaurant business built by Auliyanto was only known to the public in 1995. Initially, he only employed four employees who helped him run the business.

As time goes by and full of struggle, after 20 years he successfully opened branches in many places. Until now, the Solaria restaurant brand is spread across 31 provinces and 55 big cities. "There are already 200 restaurants," he explained. With that many branches, Aliuyanto certainly employs thousands of employees. To manage the company to run well, Aliuyanto applies a simple principle that every obstacle must be resolved with knowledge and ability.

"Itu saya dapatkan di bangku kuliah. Karena saya ingin mengembangkan brand, maka brand inilah yang harus saya pertahankan," "I obtained that during my college years. Because I wanted to develop a brand, this is the brand that I must maintain,"
"katanya." translates to "he/she said."


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