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Resep Santap Pedas dengan Tongkol Terong Balado

Recipe for Spicy Meal with Spicy Tuna and Eggplant

Resep Santapan Pedas Bikin Nambah Nasi, Tongkol Terong Balado

Dream - The savory taste of mackerel and the tenderness of eggplant, combined with the spicy flavor of balado seasoning, truly become a combination that indulges the taste buds.

Resep Santapan Pedas Bikin Nambah Nasi, Tongkol Terong Balado

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "This tuna and eggplant balado recipe is the right answer to fill your daily meal plan. Let's take a look at some variations of tuna and eggplant balado recipes that you can try in the kitchen."

Recipe Tongkol Terong Balado

Ingredients:1 mackerel fish, boiled briefly to remove fishy smell, add salt1 green eggplant1 tsp cooking vinegarSalt as neededSufficient frying oil50 grams of red chili1 tomato5 cloves of shallot


How to Make: First, blend the spices finely and set aside. Heat the cooking oil, then put in the green eggplant, fry until cooked. Remove and drain. Then fry the tuna until it turns slightly golden brown, do not fry for too long or it will become hard. Sauté the blended spices until fragrant, add vinegar and salt, and mix well.

Sauté until the smell of the chili disappears, and sadness changes color. Taste it, then turn off the heat. Add fried mackerel and eggplant. Stir well, and spicy mackerel eggplant is ready to be served.

Recipe for Balado Tongkol Eggplant with Eggs

Ingredients:1 piece of mackerel fish4 boiled chicken eggs5 eggplants3 pieces of lime leaves1 teaspoon of turmeric powderSalt, sugar, and powdered broth5 cloves of shallots3 cloves of garlic10 pieces of red chili1 piece of tomato


How to Make: Prepare all ingredients and spices that will be cooked, then first fry the eggplant until cooked. Next step, grill the mackerel until half cooked. Saute the ground spices, add the lime leaves and turmeric powder, then add a little water and let it boil.

After boiling, add eggs and mackerel and stir well. Add sugar, salt, and powdered broth then taste. If it feels right, add the previously fried eggplant. Spicy mackerel eggplant is ready to be served. Source: Diadona.

Resep Santapan Pedas Bikin Nambah Nasi, Tongkol Terong Balado
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