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"4 Healthy Oil Choices for Cooking, for a Fitter Body by 2024!"

Dream - Cooking your own food at home certainly allows us to choose to use quality ingredients, and cleanliness is more guaranteed. For those of you who want to be fitter, healthier, and slimmer in 2024, try cooking for yourself.

4 Pilihan Minyak Sehat untuk Memasak, Demi 2024 Tubuh Lebih Fit!

One thing to pay attention to when dieting is the type of cooking oil used, considering that this has an impact on health. Consider the composition of fatty acids, smoke point, and stability under heat when choosing cooking oil.

4 Pilihan Minyak Sehat untuk Memasak, Demi 2024 Tubuh Lebih Fit!

Nutrition expert, Carrie Gabriel suggests checking the oil bottle as an indicator of quality. Oil in dark glass bottles tends to have high quality. Some high-quality oils come in dark bottles as an innovative way to avoid light oxidation. So, what oils have high quality? Find out more, Sahabat Dream.

1. Canola Oil

"Canola oil can handle heat better when cooking. This oil contains monounsaturated fats, has a neutral taste, and is more affordable than avocado or olive oil," said Lisa Andrews, a nutritionist. It is important for Dream friends to know that seed oils like canola, sunflower, or grape seed oil are often produced using hexane or solvents that may potentially be toxic."


"So, some people are worried about the hexane content in the oil. But experts say that the amount is not enough to be concerned about. If you still feel worried, look for cold-pressed, expeller-pressed, or organic canola oil. Despite containing bioengineered ingredients, canola oil is still considered good for heart health due to its monounsaturated fats."

4 Pilihan Minyak Sehat untuk Memasak, Demi 2024 Tubuh Lebih Fit!

The latest research also supports the use of canola oil in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. Olive Oil

Olive Oil or olive oil is often used for marinades or salad dressings because it has a low smoke point. The benefits of olive oil for the heart are significant, as it is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidant phenols, and nutrients.

2. Olive Oil<br>

Research shows that this olive oil can reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, blood pressure, and improve lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, regular consumption of olive oil is highly recommended to prevent coronary heart disease, Sahabat Dream.

3. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil or alpukat oil is a type of oil that has a high smoke point. Therefore, this oil is suitable for frying or sautéing at high temperatures.

3. Avocado Oil

A Nutritionist, Sarah Garone, said that this oil is the best choice for cooking because of its monounsaturated fat content. In addition, avocado oil is also rich in oleic acid which is beneficial for heart health by maintaining a balance of cholesterol levels.

4. Sesame Oil

"Sesame oil or commonly known as sesame oil is very good for cooking. With a high smoke point, sesame oil is suitable for stir-frying and roasting. Not only that, this oil also has a distinctive flavor that can enhance the deliciousness of the dish, Dream Friends. Suitable for maintaining a healthy diet, sesame oil contains antioxidants and good fats for heart health."

"Oils that Need to be Avoided"

It is important to avoid rancid oil as it can affect the taste of food with characteristics such as unpleasant smell and sour taste. For high-temperature cooking, it is recommended to use oil with a high smoke point, such as sesame oil or olive oil. Meanwhile, for sauces and salads, it is better to choose hemp seed oil or walnut oil, which have a low smoke point.

Although hydrogenated oil is considered "safe," it is still best to avoid it as it can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. So, choosing the right oil is very influential for the health and taste of the dish, Sahabat Dream. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: Popsugar.

4 Pilihan Minyak Sehat untuk Memasak, Demi 2024 Tubuh Lebih Fit!
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