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Rahasia Racikan Tepung Kriuk nan Gurih Tukang Gorengan

"Secret Recipe of Crunchy and Savory Flour Blend for Fried Foods"

Secret Recipe for Crispy and Savory Fried Snacks

Dream - Gorengan (fried snacks) become one of the favorite cheap snacks for many people that are easily found in various places. Enjoying gorengan can also make the stomach feel full more easily.

Regardless of its various fillings, fried snacks also have a very crispy texture. This is what makes many people find it difficult to stop eating fried snacks. There are also many people who try to make fried snacks at home so that the taste and texture are the same as those made by street vendors.

Secret Recipe for Crispy and Savory Fried Snacks

Although it seems very easy, not everyone can imitate the taste of fried food or make extra crispy flour dough just like the street vendors.

Secret Recipe for Crispy and Savory Fried Snacks

Street food vendors have their own unique seasoning blend. Sahabat Dream can try the extra crispy flour seasoning blend commonly used to fry tempeh or tofu with the recipe from Chef Fajar Alam below.


"250 grams of low-protein wheat flour 250 grams of rice flour 2 teaspoons of chicken broth 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of flavor enhancer 700 ml of water 1 teaspoon of lime Sufficient amount of water 4 cloves of garlic 3 candlenuts 1 teaspoon of coriander 1/2 teaspoon of pepper Tempeh or tofu Cooking oil"

"How to Make Extra Crispy Fried Flour"

Step 1Grind garlic, coriander, pepper, candlenut, salt, flavor enhancer, chicken broth to make the flour rich in taste when processed.

<b>Cara Membuat Tepung Gorengan Extra Crispy</b>

"Step 2"

Mix rice flour, low-protein wheat flour, ground spices, and slaked lime dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water. Strain the slaked lime when pouring it into the dough, then discard the sediment.

Pour 700 ml of water and stir evenly. Use a whisk to stir the mixture for easier blending and to ensure the seasoning is evenly distributed. Make sure Sahabat Dream uses a sufficiently large container to prevent the mixture from spilling.

Secret Recipe for Crispy and Savory Fried Snacks
<b>Langkah 3</b><br>

Step 3

Provide tempeh or tofu, then cut it into several pieces to be wrapped in flour batter. If you want to fry tempeh, make sure to cut it thinly for a more delicious taste.

<b>Langkah 4</b>

Step 4

Fry the tempeh that has been coated in flour in hot oil with high heat. Serve the tempeh with soy sauce chili paste for a more delicious taste.

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