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The immune system is the complexity of organ, cell, and protein networks that work together to protect the body from attacks by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other germs. When various pathogens enter the body and cause damage, the immune system's task is to heal and adapt to future threats. There are many ways to support a healthy and strong immune system, one of which is by paying attention to the types of food consumed.

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Orange Fruit

The following translation is provided while preserving the HTML tags: "The orange fruit is known for its vitamin C content, which is often praised for its benefits in improving the immune function of the human body. Vitamin C, which is soluble in water, plays an important role in the growth and repair of tissues. Oranges can be enjoyed fresh or used as an ingredient in various dishes."

10 Foods That Are Most Effective for Boosting Immunity

"Red Paprika"

Red paprika is one type of fruit that can help strengthen the immune system.  

One large red bell pepper can contain up to 210 mg of vitamin C, an amount that exceeds the recommended daily intake.



In terms of human body health, digestive health, especially the intestines, often becomes the main focus. This is because the digestive system provides an environment for a complex microbial community that supports body health by regulating energy and responding to immunity. Therefore, consuming foods such as yogurt that contain probiotics can help maintain a balance of good bacteria in the gut microbiome.

Ikan Berlemak

Fish in Coconut Milk

Vitamin D is one type of vitamin that plays a direct role in maintaining optimal immune system health. This is due to the presence of vitamin D receptors in most cells of the human immune system. The presence of vitamin D affects the performance of the immune system, making it important in supporting immune function. Vitamin D can be found in sufficient amounts in fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon.

"Chicken Meat"

Chicken breast, as one of the types of poultry meat, is rich in vitamin B6 content which plays an important role in supporting the health of the immune system.

Vitamin B6 has a main role in the production of interleukin and T lymphocytes, two important components in optimizing the function of the immune system. Chicken breast can be served in various ways, such as smoked, grilled, or processed together with whole and fresh foods.

Sayur Berdaun Hijau

"Green Leafy Vegetables"

Green leafy vegetables have high nutritional and fiber content, supporting intestinal health and meeting most of the body's daily nutritional needs. Kangkung and spinach, for example, are green leafy vegetables that are rich in nutrients and fiber. Consuming various types of these green vegetables in their fresh state or as part of a salad, which can be combined with fruits and lean protein, can also support a healthy immune system.



Peanuts are food that is rich in zinc content, as well as being the most comfortable snack to enjoy. Zinc plays an important role in maintaining the health of the immune system by regulating intracellular signals in the body. Some types of nuts that contain zinc and are convenient to consume as snacks include almonds, cashews, and pine nuts.



Ginger, which originates from the flowering root in Southeast Asia, has been known popularly for its positive benefits to the immune system. This is due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger has been proven to reduce the risk of various chronic health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases.

10 Foods That Are Most Effective for Boosting Immunity

"Kunyit" in English means "Turmeric".

Turmeric is one of the kitchen spices that contains a biologically active compound called curcumin. This curcumin interacts with cells in the immune system, such as macrophages and natural killer cells, to enhance the body's defense system. Turmeric can be consumed by adding it to dishes such as soup and stew.

Bawang Putih

"Bawang Putih" in English is "Garlic".

"Garlic is one of the kitchen spices that is rich in biologically active compounds that play a role in maintaining immune function."

This compound plays a role in various biological processes in the human body through its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties. In addition, research also shows that garlic can enhance the body's immune response and reduce inflammation.

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