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5 High Vitamin K Intake, Internal Care for Glowing Skin
5 High Vitamin K Intake, Internal Care for Glowing Skin TikToker Successfully Loses Weight. (Source: TikTok @ekkafitrie)

Dream - Having healthy, clean, and radiant skin cannot be achieved easily. Sahabat Dream needs to use skincare products according to the condition of the skin, so that it is always in good, elastic, and soft condition.

Until now, we have relied more on external skincare, even though the condition of the skin is also greatly influenced by what we consume every day. One of the important things the skin needs to stay healthy is vitamin K.

Vitamin K has antioxidants that can protect the skin from long-term damage. In addition, vitamin K can also help prevent dry skin, dark circles, and premature aging.

It is important for you to consume intake rich in vitamin K. What are they?

1. Broccoli


Vitamin K is usually easily found in green leafy vegetables like broccoli. This vegetable, with the Latin name Brassica oleracea, is believed to be very good for skin health because it contains various nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc. In addition, broccoli also contains lutein which has anti-aging properties that can help prevent oxidative damage and sulforaphane which can protect the skin from sun damage.


2. Spinach


Consuming green vegetables has many benefits, including improving skin health. Spinach contains vitamins A, B, C, K, and folate which play an important role in making the skin healthy, clean, and radiant.

In addition, eating spinach can also keep the skin hydrated. It also increases collagen production which can protect against damage from free radicals and UV rays.


3. Pomegranate

4 Benefits of Pomegranate for Skin Care

Pomegranate, with the Latin name Punica granatum, is one of the fruits with the highest content of vitamin K. In addition, this red fruit is also rich in vitamin C which plays an important role in collagen production, reducing inflammation, preventing premature aging, and protecting the skin.


4. Kiwi

The Secret of Kiwi for Perfect Skin

Kiwi is a high source of vitamin K. In addition, this fruit also contains vitamin C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin, and polyphenols which contribute to skin health. Consuming kiwi can help stimulate collagen production and protect the skin from dark spots and sun damage.



5. Spices


Spices like parsley, basil, oregano, and coriander are good sources of vitamin K1. Besides being used as garnish, these spices are useful for maintaining skin health and repairing skin damage.

Regular consumption of parsley can stimulate collagen production in the skin and improve cell reproduction and repair, leading to faster growth of new skin. It also helps reduce spots and make the skin smoother.


Report: Hany Puspita Sari/ Source: FoodNDTV

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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