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"Diabetes mellitus is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The occurrence of diabetes is caused by an imbalance in the body's management of blood sugar, which can have significant impacts if not managed properly. Symptoms such as excessive fatigue, unusual thirst, and frequent urination are some of the main signs that can indicate diabetes. Additionally, diabetes may also present other symptoms such as unintended weight loss, slow-healing wounds, and vision problems. Understanding these symptoms is important for enabling early detection and proper management to reduce the risk of more serious complications. It is important to remember that diabetes management involves a holistic approach that includes healthy dietary regulation, regular exercise, and the use of medications as per medical recommendations. Prevention also plays a crucial role by avoiding risk factors such as obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. With regular monitoring and appropriate lifestyle changes, many complications can be prevented or well-managed, allowing diabetes sufferers to lead healthier and more productive lives. Having recognized what diabetes is, here are the causes, types of symptoms, and ways to treat diabetes as reported from on Thursday (18/07/2024)."

The translation of

The translation of "Penyebab Diabetes" to English is "Causes of Diabetes".

Blood sugar is an important source of energy for the body to function optimally. However, an imbalance between sugar intake and insufficient physical activity can lead to the accumulation of blood sugar. This contributes to the long-term risk of diabetes. Some contributing factors include:

  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excessive sugar consumption
  • Body's response to insulin being disrupted
  • Decreased insulin production by the pancreas
  • Insulin performance disturbances due to other hormones
Insulin is a hormone that is essential for helping the body absorb glucose into the body's cells to be used as energy or stored as energy reserves.

The translation of

The translation of "Jenis-jenis Diabetes" to English is "Types of Diabetes".

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Diabetes is divided into three main types: Type 1 Diabetes: Occurs due to an autoimmune disorder that destroys the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. The exact cause is not yet known, but genetic factors and viral infections are believed to play a role. Type 2 Diabetes: In this condition, the body still produces insulin, but it is not effective in responding to blood sugar. It is usually associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of physical activity and an unbalanced diet, as well as genetic factors and obesity. Gestational Diabetes: This is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and tends to be temporary. However, if not addressed, it can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby."

The translation of

The translation of "Gejala dan Diagnosis Diabetes" to English is "Symptoms and Diagnosis of Diabetes".

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Kelelahan yang Berlebihan
Orang dengan diabetes sering merasa sangat lelah atau kelelahan yang tidak proporsional dengan aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan.

Haus yang Berlebihan
Gejala ini seringkali terjadi karena tubuh mencoba untuk mengeluarkan kelebihan gula melalui urin, yang membuat seseorang merasa terus-menerus haus.

Buang Air Kecil yang Sering
Seseorang dengan diabetes cenderung sering buang air kecil, terutama pada malam hari (nokturia), karena ginjal berusaha mengeluarkan gula tambahan dari darah.

Penurunan Berat Badan yang Tidak Disengaja
Kehilangan berat badan tanpa alasan yang jelas bisa menjadi tanda diabetes, karena tubuh kehilangan energi yang seharusnya digunakan.

Luka yang Sulit Sembuh
Karena kadar gula darah tinggi dapat mempengaruhi sistem kekebalan tubuh, luka dan infeksi seringkali membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk sembuh.

Kesemutan atau Mati Rasa
Diabetes bisa menyebabkan kerusakan pada saraf, yang dapat menyebabkan kesemutan atau mati rasa, terutama di tangan dan kaki.

Infeksi Kulit yang Sering Terjadi
Kulit yang kering dan gatal adalah gejala umum pada diabetes, karena kadar gula yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan infeksi jamur atau bakteri.

Masalah Penglihatan
Perubahan tiba-tiba pada penglihatan, seperti kabur atau buram, bisa menjadi tanda bahwa diabetes mempengaruhi pembuluh darah di mata."

The translation of

The translation of "Pengobatan dan Pencegahan Diabetes" to English is "Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes."

Diabetes treatment includes a holistic approach that encompasses education, dietary management, regular exercise, medication use, and blood sugar monitoring. Prevention is important by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding risk factors such as obesity and lack of physical activity.

The translation of "Apa aja keluhan diabetes?" to English is: "What are the complaints of diabetes?"

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. Excessive hunger is another sign of diabetes. Infections, wounds, and bruises that do not heal quickly are another sign of diabetes. "When people have high blood sugar levels, depending on how long they have felt it, they often feel unwell."


"When is someone considered to be suffering from diabetes?"

"If the value 2 hours after drinking glucose reaches greater than or equal to 200 mg/DL (11.1 mmol/L)"


What is the difference between blood sugar and diabetes?

The normal blood sugar level is less than 100 mg/dL. If the blood sugar level reaches 100-125 mg/dL, it means entering a prediabetes status. Meanwhile, a blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL or higher is classified as diabetes.


What should be done if we are diagnosed with diabetes?

"Diabetes sufferers must diligently engage in daily physical activities and avoid staying still/sitting all day. Various studies reveal that regular exercise can help optimize insulin function, allowing blood sugar levels to be better controlled."

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