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Unique Cut of Nagita's Pants, Netizens Mistook it for Oversized Pants

Unique Cut of Nagita's Pants, Netizens Mistook it for Oversized Pants

Cuttingan Unik Celana Nagita, Dikira Celana Kegedean oleh Netizen

Dream - Nagita Slavina is known not only for her rapidly growing business with her husband, Raffi Ahmad, but also for her always captivating fashion style.

Cuttingan Unik Celana Nagita, Dikira Celana Kegedean oleh Netizen

Not infrequently, his appearance is intriguing because of his different style. One of them is when he wears jeans. At first glance, it looks like regular pants, but it turns out the style is quite peculiar or unique.

"Unusual Detail"

A post from a social media account depicts Nagita Slavina's appearance wearing jeans with unusual details.

"Kancing Asimetris" translates to "Asymmetric Button" in English.

The jeans have buttons that are arranged asymmetrically. The front cutting is also slanted, making it look oversized.

Cuttingan Unik Celana Nagita, Dikira Celana Kegedean oleh Netizen

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The pants button, which is usually located in the middle of the waist, is placed on the left side near the pants pocket in these pants. This detail is the focus of discussion among netizens."

Not Oversized Pants

A number of comments from social media users also reinforce the spotlight on the uniqueness of the pants worn by Nagita Slavina. "Oh, these are the pants that people said were too big and even asked if Mama Gigi has style," wrote the account @meta_aj. "These are the pants that netizens said were too big, so they used safety pins to prevent them from slipping," wrote the account @sriw744652021.

Cool Worn by Nagita

Regarding the comment, several other comments from netizens also joined in the discussion. Some stated that the asymmetrical design on the pants may look unusual, but there are also those who see it as a unique and bold fashion experiment.

Cuttingan Unik Celana Nagita, Dikira Celana Kegedean oleh Netizen

"Wow, it would be so cool if Ms. Gigi wore it, but if I wear it, people might think I'm dancing wrong," wrote the account @derapril_."

Cuttingan Unik Celana Nagita, Dikira Celana Kegedean oleh Netizen

This unique pair of jeans is known to be produced by the R13 brand. One piece is priced at IDR 7.7 million according to the Instagram review @fanpage_nagitaslavina.

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