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Often Underestimated, Here is a Series of Habits that Trigger Obesity

Often Underestimated, Here is a Series of Habits that Trigger Obesity

In modern life, full of comfort and convenience, many people are not aware that their daily routines may pose a health risk. One of them is obesity, which is a frequently overlooked health condition. This can be caused by small habits, such as unhealthy eating patterns to a less active lifestyle.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The habit may seem trivial, but over time, it is what has a significant impact on the health of the body. To prevent these dangers, it is time to avoid obesity-triggering habits. What are they?"

© 2023

Melewatkan Sarapan

"Skipping Breakfast"

When in a hurry, some people often underestimate breakfast. In fact, it can increase hunger in the afternoon, resulting in excessive food consumption until evening. To avoid this, make sure to always have a breakfast with a nutritious menu, especially protein. Consuming a high-protein breakfast can help maintain a feeling of fullness for a longer time, thus preventing excessive snacking desires.

Many Consumption of Packaged Drinks

Many Consumption of Packaged Drinks

When the body feels thirsty during the day, it is most enjoyable to indulge in cold bottled drinks. Unfortunately, this can trigger obesity due to their high sugar content. As a result, the body will receive excessive calories and sugar, which can have negative effects on the body. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon bottled drinks and switch to increasing mineral water consumption.

 Sering Begadang

 Sering Begadang translates to "Often Staying Up Late" in English.

Unfinished work or deadlines often make some people stay up late at night. However, to avoid obesity, this habit must be eliminated immediately. According to Healthline, someone who sleeps less than 5 hours per night has a higher risk of weight gain compared to those who sleep 7 hours or more. This is because the hormone ghrelin, which controls hunger, increases when sleep is lacking.

Langsung Tidur Setelah Makan

"Directly Sleep After Eating"

Important but often underestimated, that is to sleep or lie down immediately after eating. Try to avoid this because it can cause an increase in blood sugar and potentially obesity. Therefore, it is highly recommended to give enough time for the body to digest food properly. That is why experts suggest finishing dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Kurang Olahraga

"Kurang Olahraga" translates to "Lack of exercise" in English.

Some people may not realize that lack of physical activity can be the main cause of weight gain. In this context, lack of exercise not only means not engaging in intense physical exercise, but also includes a less active lifestyle. For example, sitting in front of a computer or television screen for too long. So, don't forget to always stay active and exercise as one way to prevent obesity.

Well, by avoiding those habits, you can be more proactive in taking care of your body's health. Replacing habits with healthier choices can certainly maintain weight balance and support holistic health. So, never underestimate small habits, because change starts from consistent small steps.

Author: Nihel Rashiqa Rinaldo

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