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Often Traveling Drunk? Do These 5 Things to Prevent Nausea

Often Traveling Drunk? Do These 5 Things to Prevent Nausea

Often Get Travel Sickness? Do These 5 Things to Prevent Nausea

Dream - Walking around is a pleasant experience for some people, but not everything in the travel process feels comfortable.

Some people are uncomfortable with long journeys. In fact, many people feel nauseous and vomit due to motion sickness. Dream friends must immediately overcome this issue so that the journey goes smoothly. Try the following methods to be free from nausea and vomiting while traveling.

<b>1.	Ubah Posisi</b>

1. Change Position

Every person chooses a different position to relieve travel sickness, for example by lying down or standing up.

The translated text with preserved HTML tags: "The chosen position depends on the type of journey. Try various positions to find out which one is most suitable for you. When riding in a car, try to rest your head on the seat's headrest. This will reduce the impact on your head, thus preventing or relieving nausea."

<b>2.	Cari Udara Segar</b>

2. Find Fresh Air

Sahabat Dream can open a window or go outside to breathe fresh air. You can also direct a fan towards your face to relieve nausea.

3. Eating Biscuits

3. Eating Biscuits

Consuming light snacks such as biscuits, candy, or chocolate can also relieve nausea. If consuming heavy, oily, or acidic foods, the nausea will become more pronounced.

Heavy foods such as a serving of Padang rice, instant noodles, burgers, or pizza are digested more slowly by the stomach. In addition to biscuits, you can also pack other snacks to be consumed during the journey. For example, cereal, bread, grains, apples, and bananas. This way, the journey will feel more peaceful.

4. Redirect Attention

4. Redirect Attention

Try starting a conversation or playing music during the journey. It will distract your mind and feelings, so you will feel better and not nauseous.

In the 2022 meta-analysis, researchers concluded that listening to music can help alleviate post-operative nausea. Although there is a slight effect on the feeling of nausea, the possibility that listening to music can help prevent vomiting during travel still exists.

5. Do not Use Gadgets

5. Do not Use Gadgets

When intoxicated, you may have difficulty reading text on electronic devices. This is caused by the lack of synchronization between the information received by the inner ear and the eyes.

"As an alternative, take a moment to rest from those activities or divert your attention to audio-based books, music, so as not to feel nauseous. Dream friends can also sleep during the journey for more comfort. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information at this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel"

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