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Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale Dorong Peningkatan Transaksi Brand Lokal dan UMKM Hingga 10X Lipat

Closing the 12.12 Birthday Sale campaign, Shopee once again demonstrates its positive and consistent impact on various parties involved. Not only for consumers, but this campaign also provides a good influence for local businesses and SMEs. In celebrating its 8th year accompanying users, Shopee continues to prove its various commitments. One of them is by facilitating the expansion of market reach in order to support local brands and SMEs in creating sustainable businesses.

The real commitment is further strengthened with the presence of the peak day of the 12.12 Birthday Sale campaign. There has been a recorded increase in local product transactions up to 10 times compared to regular days. Monica Vionna, Head of Marketing Growth Shopee Indonesia, said, "Since the beginning of our presence in the community, the 12.12 Birthday Sale campaign has been our effort to show appreciation for the support of the entire ecosystem that has synergized to continue growing and developing together with Shopee."

"Not only a celebration of age, we optimize this special momentum to create consistent positive impact. In line with our mission to continuously improve the quality of life for all users, we are very happy that the 12.12 Birthday Sale can always provide more benefits to each ecosystem," he said."

"This year we have witnessed how the performance of local brands and SMEs has grown with the increasing enthusiasm of users towards local products, the completeness and attractive range of offers that provide maximum benefits for buyers, and the latest features that provide creative space for content creators to expand their reach," Monica continued.

Support Local Product Performance

This year, the 12.12 Birthday Sale returns and continues to demonstrate significant influence in supporting businesses amidst the high year-end shopping activities.

Support Local Product Performance

Running its role and function, Shopee not only brings a medium for businesses to reach their consumers, but also walks together and contributes to driving the growth of the local industry. In addition to providing greater opportunities through the 12.12 Birthday Sale campaign, Shopee also continuously pays attention to the constantly moving online shopping behavior.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Changes in trends and preferences that can influence shopping decisions have become one of the main focuses to be developed, so that the innovations brought by Shopee can facilitate local brands and MSMEs to continue to grow, adapt, and move along with technology."

Shopping through the live feature has become the main attraction this year with a different and enjoyable experience. Shopee Live sessions have attracted a lot of attention, with transaction increases of more than 49 times during the peak of 12.12. This high enthusiasm opens up greater opportunities for local businesses to improve performance and sales.

Creative and informative visual content can influence shopping decisions. Shopee Video has become one of the creative spaces for SMEs and local brands to provide information and entertainment about their products through engaging content. More and more users are taking advantage of this feature, where during the peak of the campaign, the increase in orders through Shopee Video reached 45 times compared to regular days.

Produk Lokal Kategori Fashion dan Beauty Alami Peningkatan Signifikan

"Local Products in the Fashion and Beauty Category Experience Significant Growth"

"Throughout the 12.12 Birthday Sale campaign, different themes are present every day to provide a platform for local brands and SMEs to highlight their products to the maximum extent for users. In the 12.12 campaign, Gajian Sale, Super Beauty Day, Year-End Bonus 12 M Day, Fashion Day, and Shopee Video Day themes recorded the highest shopping activities."

In line with the 2 categories of local brands and MSMEs that are still favored by users, local products sold in the fashion category have increased by up to 6 times and the beauty category has increased by more than 8 times during the peak of the campaign. As for interesting facts about Shopee users' tendencies when shopping for products from local brands and MSMEs in the 12.12 campaign:

Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale Dorong Peningkatan Transaksi Brand Lokal dan UMKM Hingga 10X Lipat

Various local products from the Fashion and Beauty categories still occupy the top podium as the most sought-after products by users. Local brands and SMEs continue to innovate using technology that can cater to every individual preference.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The continuously revolving fashion trend also becomes the spirit for the nation's children to keep creating. Jeans, watches & shirts are three products that are highly sought after by users in the fashion category. On the other hand, local beauty products such as perfume, lip cream, and moisturizer are increasingly showing their excellence."

Interestingly, the Set Hadiah & Hampers category also becomes a favorite in the 12.12 campaign. The habit of people in sharing Christmas and New Year hampers is also supported by local brands and SMEs, where greeting cards and gift wrapping paper become the chosen products to prepare year-end hampers in this 12.12 campaign.

"Gebyar Promo Fantastis Tingkatkan Daya Tarik bagi Pengguna" translates to "Fantastic Promo Extravaganza Enhances User Attraction" in English.

Different from previous campaigns, on this 12.12 Birthday Sale, Shopee presents Gebyar Promo and End of Year 12M Bonus offers.

Gebyar Promo Fantastis Tingkatkan Daya Tarik bagi Pengguna

One of the most anticipated ones is the Flash Sale 12 RB. Enthusiasm to participate and get preferred products at the price of 12RB is evident on the peak day of the campaign, especially for special products such as Cars, Motorcycles, iPhones, Gold, and many more. The excitement of the ShopeePay 12.12 Birthday Deals campaign, which offers various attractive promos, can be seen from the increasing interest of users compared to the previous month's twin campaign, as well as the increasing number of new users using QRIS with ShopeePay or SPayLater as the source of funds.

In this campaign, the QRIS payment feature using ShopeePay or SPayLater is the most widely used by users to shop in various categories such as daily necessities, food & beverages, streaming package purchases, and parking payments. The total transaction volume using the Free Transfer feature to Any Bank also increased, supported by the Cashback promo up to 120RB. In addition to major cities, Sidoarjo, Palembang, and Makassar are noted as areas with the highest transfer transactions during this campaign period.

Users also take advantage of the excitement of the ShopeeFood 12.12 Birthday Discount campaign to hunt for various culinary Flash Sales. Processed Noodles, Burgers, and Chicken Rice are the most ordered by users through Flash Sale promotions during the campaign.

"Shopee is very grateful for the contributions and positive collaborations that have been created by the entire ecosystem during the year 2023. Closing the year with an outstanding record is expected to be a boost and motivation for Shopee to always provide opportunities, support, and innovation that can benefit the entire Indonesian community," Monica concluded. Come on, download the Shopee application now. You can simply download it for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. Don't forget to activate ShopeePay for a more convenient and practical shopping experience."

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