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"Excessive Exercise Can Cause Mental Disorders, Here's the Doctor's Explanation"

Olahraga Berlebihan Bisa Sebabkan Gangguan Mental, Ini Penjelasan Dokter

Dream - Not everyone can make sports a routine. People who are used to doing it are considered lucky because they tend to have an easier time controlling their weight and body stamina.

Although it can have a positive impact on body health, exercise must be done in the right way. If not, Sahabat Dream can experience mild to severe health problems.

Olahraga Berlebihan Bisa Sebabkan Gangguan Mental, Ini Penjelasan Dokter
Olahraga Berlebihan Bisa Sebabkan Gangguan Mental, Ini Penjelasan Dokter

Actually, Sahabat Dream can engage in various types of sports regularly, but pay attention to the body's signals when feeling too tired, sore, or lacking enthusiasm.


If Dream friends feel a decrease in performance on a weekly scale when exercising, you may be experiencing overreaching.

Overreaching itself is something that can happen due to excessive heavy exercise, especially when frequently lifting weights. When experiencing it, Sports Health Specialist, Caleb Leonardo, suggests doing a deload, where the intensity of the exercise will be reduced. When doing this, engage in light exercise or reduce the weight of your load during weight training.


Different from overreaching, overtraining or excessive exercise is marked by a feeling of laziness to exercise, the body feels weak and tired, and mood disturbances.

Based on Caleb's account, overtraining is commonly experienced within a monthly period after regular exercise. The symptoms of overtraining vary depending on the type of exercise performed. For individuals who frequently engage in aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, dancing, or doing zumba, hiking, or jumping rope, they usually experience fatigue, depression, and a decrease in motivation to exercise.

While people who regularly engage in anaerobic exercise such as weightlifting and calisthenics may experience insomnia, agitation, palpitations, hypertension, and excessive fatigue. In fact, overtraining can also cause anorexia, decreased concentration or mental health, and anxiety.

"How to Prevent it"

If you want to exercise more safely and comfortably, get to know your body signals and avoid excessive exercise. You only need to exercise for a minimum of 150 minutes per week.

Set aside enough rest time for your body to feel more energized during exercise. If necessary, allocate time for regular exercise and rest to maintain a healthy body and mind. Don't forget to provide your body with proper nutrition to stay motivated in exercising.

Olahraga Berlebihan Bisa Sebabkan Gangguan Mental, Ini Penjelasan Dokter
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