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Prevent Osteoporosis, Do 7 Steps to Keep Bones Strong and Healthy

Prevent Osteoporosis, Do 7 Steps to Keep Bones Strong and Healthy

Prevent Osteoporosis, Do 7 Steps to Keep Bones Strong and Healthy

Dream - When entering old age, the risk of developing osteoporosis will increase. Approximately 1 in 10 women over the age of 60 experience this osteoporosis condition.

Prevent Osteoporosis, Do 7 Steps to Keep Bones Strong and Healthy

Besides age, osteoporosis can become more prominent when women experience menopause. So, what is the best way to maintain bone health and avoid osteoporosis until old age? Here are 7 tips.

1. Perform Bone Density Examination

Low bone density can be an early sign of osteoporosis. It is important to consult with a doctor and request a DEXA scan, a simple test that measures bone density. Women aged 65 and older, as well as those aged 50 to 64 with risk factors, are advised to undergo this scan.


2. Calcium Consumption

Calcium is the key to bone health. Women aged 51 to 70 need about 1,200 mg of calcium per day. Sahabat Dream can get calcium through food such as dairy products, fortified cereals, dark leafy vegetables, and some types of fish. Make sure to meet the vitamin D requirements so that the body can absorb calcium properly.


3. Reduce Inflammation Risk

Inflammation can become a problem as you enter old age, and it can contribute to various health issues, including osteoporosis. Bone examinations and additional tests can help diagnose bone problems related to inflammation.


4. Use Supplements

If you have difficulty getting enough calcium through food, calcium supplements can be an option. Make sure to consult with a doctor first because these supplements can interact with other medications that Sahabat Dream consumes.


5. Re-evaluate Exercise Routines

Consult with a doctor about the types of exercises that are safe. Activities such as cycling, swimming, tai chi, and yoga can help improve bone health without putting excessive pressure on the joints.

6. Quit Smoking

"Smoking can damage bone mineral density, increase the risk of osteoporosis, and affect overall bone health. Quitting smoking is an important step in maintaining your bone health."


7. Stop Consuming Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of bone fractures. Not consuming alcohol at all will help maintain the health of your bones. So, stop consuming alcohol. Source: Prevention/ Report: Aykaputri Amalia Rahmani

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