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Tanda Level Stres Sudah Sangat Tinggi, Segera Cari Bantuan<br>

The translated text while preserving HTML tags is: "The stress level sign is already very high, seek help immediately."

Signs of Very High Stress Levels, Seek Help Immediately

Dream – Stress becomes a part of life that cannot be avoided. As dynamic beings, we are always growing and experiencing changes, there are many factors that make us experience stress. It can be from internal or external factors.

Every person shows a different reaction when they are stressed, for example, like suddenly waking up at night, then unconsciously getting carried away in social media. This makes us unable to rest enough.

Signs of Very High Stress Levels, Seek Help Immediately
Signs of Very High Stress Levels, Seek Help Immediately

Apart from having difficulty sleeping, stress can also be characterized by sleeping all day and not being able to get out of bed. Even though they have slept for a long time, the body still feels tired, and even someone becomes more easily angry due to stress.

"How to Recognize Stress"

In the medical world, the form of stress has several categories, namely those related to changes in health, energy, behavior, and mood. These categories of stress can then be identified through the feelings expressed by the stress sufferers to the doctor. The symptoms of stress experienced by someone can be caused by several factors, including feelings of anxiety or frustration that exert emotional pressure. This is what then affects our body to give an unusual response.


"How Does Stress Affect the Body?"

Stress is a normal thing experienced by many people in everyday life. When stress response cannot be controlled, it can affect our health. What are the signs if the stress level is already very high?

<b>1.	Psikologis</b>

1. Psychological

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Appears excessive anxiety or sadness. Not just temporarily, but throughout the day. Sleep is also disturbed, as well as decreased concentration and memory. If experiencing this continuously, it is a sign of high stress."

<b>2.	Fisik</b>

2. Physical

When experiencing stress, the brain will release a hormone called cortisol that can make the heart beat faster and also provide a strong boost of energy. This can cause physical changes, such as weight gain and high blood pressure.

<b>3.	Perilaku</b>

3. Behavior

When experiencing stress, the body will respond by creating a desire within us to do something enjoyable. Sometimes it tends to be impulsive and risky. If we behave very differently from usual, it may indicate that we are very stressed.

However, the behavioral changes that occur due to this stress are not always beneficial. Sometimes, it will make you consume excessive high-carbohydrate foods or get too carried away when scrolling through social media. So, even though it can instantly relieve stress, these activities can also cause other health problems. Be careful, okay!

4. Interpersonal

Have you ever realized that you become more easily angry when you are in a stressful situation? Then, you can only behave well when the situation around you has calmed down. This condition can happen because the brain will work as much as possible to protect yourself from stress triggers. This is what then makes you more easily offended or angry, distancing yourself from someone, or even becoming more dependent on others.


"Healthy Ways to Eliminate Stress"

There are several healthy ways that you can follow to reduce stress levels.1. Give Yourself Time and SpaceWhen you experience stress, it is important to give your brain time to adapt and take a momentary rest from the busyness of your activities. This will help your body's system to recover. In addition to time, you also need to give yourself space. Even when you are in the midst of busy activities, try to take time to breathe deeply and stretch your body.

<b>2.	Latihan Napas</b>

2. Breathing Exercise

To reduce stress levels, you can try light exercises, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or soaking in salt water. This can distract the mind from worries, like coloring or doing crafts.

3. Reduce Things that Cause Stress

Consume caffeine, high-sugar foods, or browse social media may be the most enjoyable solution to overcome stress. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these things can actually increase anxiety and worsen the quality of your sleep. So, you have to be more careful in choosing ways to relieve stress. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source:

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