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Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen

List of Ways to Reduce Stress from Psychiatrists, Exercise to Eating Candy.

Dream - Work busyness often makes us face various pressures and demands. If this condition continues to occur, the impact can attack our mental state.

Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen

"So, it is important to pay attention to mental health issues, because mental well-being is an asset that must be maintained. Not only that, a well-maintained mental state can also be the key to success in the work environment, you know."

Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen

"The challenges faced by society today, especially among the media personnel, are very complex. The profession of journalism is equally important in facing mental health challenges. The pressure, trauma, and emotional burden experienced in carrying out the tasks are our concerns."

"stated Devy Yheanne, Country Leader of Communications & Public Affairs, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical at the Year End Media Gathering 2023 event, December 14, 2023 in Jakarta."

Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen
Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen

So, how can we maintain mental health amidst a super busy job?

"Work-Life Balance"

"In a life filled with work demands, it is important for you to maintain a balance between career and personal life."

Keseimbangan Kerja dan Hidup

Dr. Lahargo Kembaren, a specialist in psychiatry, highlights that the journalism profession has a relatively high tendency towards mental disorders.

Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen

"80-100% of journalists are exposed to numerous traumatic events and a survey of 1000 journalists reveals that 69% of them suffer from anxiety disorders,""

"He said."

It is not uncommon for them to cover traumatic events such as natural disasters, accidents, violence, and even divorce. Witnessing traumatic news continuously can trigger the brain to release stress hormones, such as acetylcholine and cortisol. The effects can make the heart race, shorten breath, increase stomach acid, tense muscles, and make the skin turn red. Doctor Laharga recommends the following techniques when stress levels are very high to reduce them.

"Stress Management Techniques"
1. Grounding Technique

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Grounding Technique is one of the methods in stress management that aims to help you stay focused on reality. This technique can reduce anxiety or stress that may arise. Grounding Technique involves stimulating the senses to alleviate stress."


Dr. Lahargo explained his steps, first, focus on the visuals by looking around and mentioning 5 objects around you. Second, hold 4 objects around you while mentioning the names of those objects. Third, listen and mention 3 sounds around you. Fourth, breathe in the air where you are and mention 2 aromas that you can smell. Finally, eat candy or bread and mention 1 taste on your tongue. Through these 5 steps, your visualization will be diverted from heavy thoughts and can help release stress.

2. Breathing Technique 4-7-8

2. Breathing Technique 4-7-8

In a high-pressure situation, a person's breathing can become irregular, resulting in a reduced supply of oxygen to the lungs.

Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause hypoxia, triggering more severe stress. Therefore, you can overcome this problem with the 4-7-8 breathing technique. The way to do it is quite easy, inhale for 4 seconds through the nose, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale slowly through the mouth for 8 seconds. Very easy, right, dream friend?

3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

Usually when experiencing stress, the muscles in the body tend to become tense. Well, you can overcome this by using progressive muscle relaxation techniques, where the muscles are tensed and relaxed simultaneously. This can help you relieve stress.


This technique is done by sitting on a chair, with the soles of the feet touching the floor, and both hands placed on the thighs. First, close your eyes and mouth tightly, hold it, and then slowly relax. Second, lift your shoulders as high as possible, hold it, feel the tension, and then slowly lower them. Third, clench your fists as tightly as possible, feel the tightness, and then slowly release the grip. Fourth, pull your stomach in, feel the tightening of the abdominal muscles, and then slowly relax.

Finally, raise your feet up, feel the tension in the ankle and calf muscles, then slowly lower them until your feet touch the floor.

Deretan Cara Turunkan Level Stres dari Psikiater, Jinjit hingga Makan Permen

4. Stop Overthinking

"Stop overthinking or excessive thinking. The negative things you think about something or yourself may not necessarily be true. Being trapped in thoughts about something uncertain can cause unnecessary psychological pressure. Therefore, train your mind to see from a more positive perspective, dream friend. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty"

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