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Offered Work Jhon LBF to Stop Making Videos Pouring Water on Mothers in the Middle of the Night, Instead Asking for Rp200 Million Money Making Netizens Furious
Offered Work Jhon LBF to Stop Making Videos Pouring Water on Mothers in the Middle of the Night, Instead Asking for Rp200 Million Money Making Netizens Furious Offered Work Jhon LBF to Stop Making Videos Pouring Water on Mothers in the Middle of the Night, Instead Giving Annoying Response

Dream - The following story is truly touching and enraging. How could this happen? Already given a heart but still want the heart to stop.

It is the owner of the TikTok account @intan_komalasari92 who made a live video of mothers being poured with water in the middle of the night as content.

The inhumane content is allegedly intentionally created to attract sympathy among netizens.

In the video, the owner of the TikTok account presents middle-aged mothers sitting on plastic chairs placed in a small pool.

The pool, which resembles a bathtub, is filled with water up to the ankles. Then, while still sitting, the mother is poured with water in the middle of the night.

Viral video of a mother being poured with water in the middle of the night.

This inhumane act is then broadcasted live on TikTok. In the video, the owner of the TikTok account claims that the mother is her parent.

Apparently, the live video of pouring water on these mothers caught the attention of Jhon LBF, a successful convert entrepreneur from Tangerang.

Feeling sorry, Jhon asked the account owner to stop torturing the mother by pouring water on her in the middle of the night.

Viral video of a mother being poured with water in the middle of the night.

Instead of engaging in activities that harm the mother's health, Jhon offered a job to the TikTok account owner in his company.

However, instead of accepting the job offer from Jhon LBF, the owner of the TikTok account asked for money from Jhon LBF.

Not just any amount, the owner of the TikTok account requested Jhon LBF to transfer Rp200 million to her.

Viral video of a mother being poured with water in the middle of the night.

"If Mr. Jhon LBF doesn't want to see us live streaming on TikTok like this, transfer us 200 million, Mr. Jhon," said intan_komalasari92, the owner of the account for live videos of mothers being poured with water.

Supposedly, she will use the Rp200 million to start a business. She also promised not to do live TikTok videos pouring water again if Jhon LBF transfers the money.

It is not mentioned how Jhon LBF reacted to such a response. But one thing is clear, netizens are furious and immediately called the owner of the TikTok account disobedient.

Moreover, according to rumors circulating on TikTok, the actress of the live videos of mothers being poured with water is not the account owner's parent.

It turns out that these mothers are one of the talents recruited. They will be poured with water live to gain sympathy and receive gifts.

The results of this inhumane live will be taken by the TikTok account owner. Meanwhile, the talents will only be paid Rp50,000 to Rp100,000 for each live session.

Source: Instagram

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